
The initial stage of formation for Passionist life and ministry is the Aspirancy. It is a time of sharing life in a Passionist community.

The Aspirancy experience is located at our Passionist community in Jamaica, New York. Candidates participate in the daily prayer life of the community, engage in ministry in the local area, and take classes that will prepare them for later theological formation. They learn about Passionist life through the input of formation directors, and they continue to discern their vocation under the guidance of a spiritual director.

If a candidate has not finished college, he must pursue an undergraduate degree at a local college. If he has completed his undergraduate studies, he may take further courses in philosophy and theology that are prerequisites for graduate studies in theology. Language studies may also be required (e.g., English or Spanish).

The Aspirant is responsible for paying for his school tuition, and to support the local community through his work.

The length of the Aspirancy experience is usually 1-2 years, depending on the person.


Passionist Novitiate is a one-year experience of prayer, life in community and focused study of the Passionist charism. 

Novices pursue in-depth study of the Passionist Constitutions. This study includes reflection on the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, as well as the special vow that Passionists make. This particular vow commits us to keep the memory of the passion of Jesus in our hearts and to serve Jesus Crucified in our brothers and sisters who continue to be oppressed by injustice, violence and poverty.

At the beginning of the Novitiate year, candidates are clothed in the black habit of the Passionists. Upon completion of the Novitiate, if they choose and are accepted by the community, they make temporary vows in the Passionist community and receive the Passionist sign.

Theological Studies

Passionists continue their initial formation at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, IL.

The professed Passionist lives in the community with Passionist priests and Brothers. They participate in the prayer and ministerial life of the community.

Candidates who wish to pursue priestly ministry are enrolled in the Master of Divinity degree program. Candidates for Passionist brotherhood also study theology and ministry, as well as taking courses in other disciplines that will enable them to contribute to the life of the community.

After three years in temporary vows, the Passionist can petition to profess his perpetual vows as a Passionist religious. Candidates for the priesthood are ordained to the diaconate when suitable, and then to the priesthood after their service as a deacon.

After the final profession for brothers, and after ordination for priests, the Provincial Superior assigns them to a particular Passionist community and ministry.

These are the stages of initial formation as a Passionist. Formation as a Passionist is actually a life-long enterprise that involves integrating prayer, study, community, and ministry. Ours is a very challenging life of communion with God, walking with the Crucified of Today, and building supportive communities with one another.

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