Share your prayer requests below and we will remember your requests in the daily Masses of our Passionist Community.  Please limit your prayer requests to about 25 words due to space limitations.  Note it may take time before it appears on the page. 

... and be assured of our prayers for you and those you love. 

Thank you


For my health, relationships, family, finances, and well being. Spiritual warfare and protection too


For all of Olivia’s spiritual and temporal desires, intentions, and needs, for the salvation of Olivia and her entire family line, past, present, and future, and for many special blessings and graces for Olivia and all the people she prays for, especially their salvation…..


Dominic Y.T

May God have compassion on Dominic YT, who had cataract surgery. The picture is still fuzzy. Please, God, help me see clearly..


Brian J B.

I just saw Father Cedric. I suffer horrible sufferings of oppression and they are often redemptive for souls. I’m asking for prayers of conversions for all souls related to my oppression. I’m also praying that God’s will always be done no matter what even if I must die a Martyr. Through this suffering, I have concluded Jesus bleeds more than ever before because of the state of the world..



Good morning,  I am Daniel chandra Fiji, request for a prayer request, for myself, during my dreams i have seen cheques/money but it is not manifesting and I am unable to receive it, (prayers against spiritual attacks…)


For my friend Kate and her best friend, Luke, who passed away two years ago and she continues to mourn and struggle with his death.


Brian P

Dear Blessed Father Michael McGivney

For your intersessions now and for your canonization and through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I need healing, cures and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye. I need miracle now to see left eye and normal vision left eye and both eyes now. I need miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities now for the past 48 years now. I need miracle now no more learning …



Prayer for a healthy baby and successful pregnancy with no complications. Prayer for my dad who passed away last year 


JOSE RICARDO DSS Health restoration for wisdom, love and prosperity. harmony at work. realizing our aspirations, Business cases to be resolved in the Courts. gratitude


Raymond Elijah Griffin

Please pray for me and lynwood priester protection (personal intentions) and for  Aisha P, and Sylvia and Patricia and Elaine, Carolyn WN and Mrs alma W, Cassie J,  john b,  genie bh m and Latoya and the voodoo people's leaves us alone forever I had to deal with witchcraft since childhood please pray.


Grace, John & Jane  God bless you
Through the intercession of St. Rita and Saint Joseph , I humbly ask you to pray for me to find a suitable job, close to home. For the maintenance and treatment of diseases of the skin, teeth, eyes and throat. For John's dad's health and treatment tips. Eternal life for Jane's mother. Dealing appropriately with noisy neighbors.
God bless you


Repose of souls of Mariamma Eapen, Esperansa Rego, Celine Dias, Andrew Rodrigues, Cherian Eapen, Vincent Noronha, Fredy Noronha, Aleixo Silva and Crecy Noronha.


Please pray for a dear friend of ours, Tony A., who is undergoing surgery today


Brian P

Dear God, Jesus… Healing, cures and miracle now to see left eye and normal vision left eye and have Keratoconus left eye. Psalm 1:03-3-5 Healing, cures and miracle now learning and developmental disabilities now for the past 48 years now. Miracle now to have a one bedroom apartment and be independent. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems... (Other universal prayers)


Please pray for the anger and violence at work especially from karen, jill, sarah, Mr Kelly, gottlick and cobb



For Kim, her family and especially her two her sons. One with a broken back who has lost his senior year of playing quarterback football, and her other son, a senior at college who has a rare disease that limits him to 15 min intervals of walking. Heal them oh Lord. Amen


For the special intentions of Raymond Elijah


To banish evil spirits from my Home and my neighbors Home


Ashley       Intercession of the holy spirit for the baptism of the holy spirit


Dominic Y. T. May God protect and care for you. Daranee Teapthong is undergoing radiation for targeted breast cancer. May the bulge inside the breast vanish by the Lord's grace.


Brian P

Dear God, Jesus… Healing, cures and miracle now to see left eye and normal vision left eye and have Keratoconus left eye. Psalm 1:03-3-5 Healing, cures and miracle now learning and developmental disabilities now for the past 48 years now. Miracle now to have a one bedroom apartment and be independent. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems... (Other universal prayers)


Please pray for my son Tom's healing from mental illness and my healing from cancer. Thank-you..


for souls of
Mr. Aquino Furtado,
Mr. Conrad Noronha,
Ms. Maryamma Eapen,
Mr. Florence Correia,
Ms. Crecy Noronha
Mr. Vincent Noronha,
Mr. Hillary Correia,
Mr. Frederick Noronha and
Mr. Cherian Eapen.


1. For my consignment payment financing and harbor clearance.
2. Safe child delivery for Appolonia Jnr.


Pray for Jesus to grant me the gift of faith and the grace of perseverance in the faith..


Brian P

Dear God, I need prays, healing and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now  also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. Pray for peace now in
Israel and Ukraine now. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican now...  Amen. .


Margaret L




Health restoration
for wisdom, love and prosperity.
harmony at work.
realizing our aspirations,
Business cases to be resolved in the Courts. gratitude



Sr. Joan

Please pray for Jack, age 23, who learned today he has Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Thank you








Beau M

I ask in Jesus’s Name to get a good paying job that’s financially secure happy and stable and dignified that allows time for family and prayer and God

Marry my best friend Gabby Sweep her off her feet and really step up and prove myself worthy to hold her heart and that Gabby sees it’s good fruit. Provide for Gabby and our family and our children whatever God sees fit for our whole lives. Help me lead in this relationship. "Lord Jesus, please, guide ( Gabby ) today!" I Entrust her care and safety to you and ask you to bless her and our relationship. Guard her heart and all her faculties and bless her family. If it’s God’s Holy Will let Salvador and Marisol R let me marry their daughter.



Please pray for a young man who is in desperate need. His name is M. and he is having addiction problems and other things.


Brian P

Dear God, I need prays, healing and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now  also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. Pray for peace now in
Israel and Ukraine now. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican now...  Amen. 


Br.  Antonio Caniano 40th ordination of a Passionist priest Father Jed Sumampong pray for my brother God will Bless him for his trip to see his Mon turning 95 yr old in the Philippines


My mom went for Stress test this past Wednesday and tests came back ok and no heart problems at all. She has to go back to Cardiologist six months from now. I am happy my mom's stress test came back ok and no problems and thank you god and for my mom and I love my very much and prays helped Amen.


Connie R

Repose of the soul of Pat Shelton and for his grieving family


Please heal the body of our Nela. I beg you with all my soul. Help us please


Lord there are people hating us & they are draining our little family Lord destroy this envy & hatred stop these evil attacks that we will be strong in our faith & have victory in these battles against evil & distractions, that no matter what they do it will not effect or disturb our peace & happiness especially when we meet at events bless the upcoming events that we don’t feel threatened in anyway i ask that there will be peace & love between us & all people and in this world today God bless Amen. 


Brian P

Dear God, I need prays, healing and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now  also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. Pray for peace now in
Israel and Ukraine now. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican now...  Amen. 


For my daughter, suffering from depression, struggling to see God and TRUST God. May the Holy Spirit may hear her cries, and grant her the grace to embrace life with a holy joy. Amen.


For my daughter, suffering from depression, struggling to see God and TRUST God. May the Holy Spirit may hear her cries, and grant her the grace to embrace life with a holy joy. Amen.


Please Pray for my elderly father who is dying. That the Divine Mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ may bring him into eternal peace. Amen.



Do please pray for dear Iris Grace, for her complete healing, for all who are suffering especially dear children,.


Please pray for the sanctification of Fr. Christopher, Fr. Michael and Fr. Augustine. For them to bear much fruit in the Lord's vineyard and to remain in Jesus to the very end.


Antonio Vicente

For the eternal repose of Maria de Nazareth Rato and all my deceased relatives and friends, that their souls may rest in peace!


A wayward child of God  - God, help me with my addictions and misdirected passions. Help me more fully worship You and not the false gods of sex, money and power.


Anthony Roberts Prayer Request - Blessings & Covering over My Life


Satiyajit Lavan Navaratnam       Please Pray to Almighty God to have Mercy upon the Soul of the American Actress, Shannen Doherty who has died of Cancer & Bless, Comfort, Aid ,Guide, Lead ,Prosper, Unite ,Strengthen, Uphold, Safeguard ,Protect & Defend them & their Families & Bless, Defend & Protect their Homes, Amen.


For a special intention for Adeliese Baumann. 


My mom is going for Stress test on Wednesday
I hope and pray that my mom stress tests will be ok and no problem and pray for my mom now and love her very much and stress test come back ok and no problems Amen.. 


Brian P

Dear God, I need prays, healing and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now  also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. Pray for peace now in
Israel and Ukraine now. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican now...  Amen. 


Dear Passionist Priests and Brothers, Please pray for my brother Joseph. He is having surgery on Thursday, July 11th for cancer. Thank you so much


Pray I have favor at work. Pray for me as something have happened at the prison I work at . Pray for me. Pray all things work out in my favor and good. Pray GOD tells me what to do say to inmates and to other leadership. Pray against any evil and I handle all with dignity and grace....Pray for me to find a spouse. pray GOD shows me if a woman named D. is the one or not without it hurting or taring me down...If she is the one pray we grow closer and GOD works it all out..Pray GOD gives me clear signs to look for...Pray also if she aint that GOD leads and guides me to the right Lady to marry...Pray GOD prospers me in all areas and leads me...pray for protection from evil and D and O have safe travels.  gratitude



Prayer:  health restoration for wisdom, love and prosperity. harmony at work. realizing our aspirations, Business cases to be resolved in the Courts. gratitude


Lord there is people hating us & is out to destroy us & they are draining our little family.  Lord destroy this envy & hatred stop these evil attacks against us. bless the upcoming events that we don't feel threatened in anyway i ask that there will be peace & love between us & all people and in this world today. Amen. 


Alex T.

Jesus I ask for the grace of international work and initiatives, protect me in missions and meetings, Jesus I Love You. 


My mom went for Eco Test and tests came back ok and my mom is going for Stress Test on Wednesday. Pray for my mom now that her
Stress Test comes back ok and no problems and love my mom very much. Pray for her.Amen. 


Brian P

Dear God, I need prays, healing and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now  also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. Pray for peace now in
Israel and Ukraine now. Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican now...  Amen. 


For Our Lady of Medjugorje's intentions especially for conversion of sinners, relief for souls in purgatory, and for world peace forever and an end of wars forever. My name is Brigitta. I ask Jesus so that I may be buried in San Diego Hills or Sentosa Karawang and not cremated. This is my daily prayers intention: For conversion of sinners, perseverance of the just, relief for souls in purgatory. For the poor, the sick, the imprisoned. 


Nithin Joseph

Kindly pray that I secure a job that I desire in the HR field as quickly as possible. I am from India


David Charles Shandorf

Good liver function, circulation and respiratory health.


For the Intentions of:  Angel Jose Angelo Silva your son for us God mother and God father and for family..


Pray for repose of souls of Aquino Furtado, Celine Dias and Cherian Eapen...



Please pray for my son ...please pray that he realizes what's right and wrong for him so that he doesn't do Harm to himself or others..


Pray for grace of final perseverance for Wallison de Souza.


Please pray for the sanctification of Sr. Mary Claire, Sr. Mary Colette and Sr. Mary Elizabeth. For them to bear much fruit in the Lord's vineyard and to remain in Jesus to the very end.


For E and M, and for their mother, and for my special intentions.


Please pray for Dear Dr. Gabriele departed and for me, for all children, thank you all dearly, Alleluia Amen.


Dear God

My mom is going to Cardiologist tomorrow Wednesday June 26th. She is going for
Eco Test tomorrow morning. She has stress test next month July 24th. I hope and pray tests are ok and no heart problems and pray for my mom now Amen..


Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Mrs. Danaree Teapthong My sister is currently receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. May she respond well to the treatment; there may be a miracle that will heal the internal lump without surgery. This is predicated on God's blessing.


Shelley Moore

We pray for the soul of Arthur Fowler.


Praveena from India.   I need 10 ,00,000 money urgently please pray for me and i m need of new job with 50,000 salery urgently should be hybrid job and mostly work from home. Please pray for me its humble request and please pray for complete healing in my eyesight



For deep healing and reconciliation between Thomas and me.


Brian P

I need prays, healing and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I need prays, healing and miracle now left eye to see and normal vision both eyes now. I need prays, healing and miracle . I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabillties my whole life now. I need prays, healing and miracle now no more learning and developmental disabilities. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good heath and no health problems at all. Pray for peace now in Israel and Ukraine now.



Please pray for God's intervention in my sufferings at work against bullying and scheming, for the blessing of my work and healing from illnesses


Pray for grace of final perseverance and holy death for Agnelo Correia.


Dear God

My mom is going to Cardiologist. She is going for Ecco Test next Wednesday.
I hope and pray test will be ok and heart ok and no heart problems and no surgery or medication. She went into the hospital a couple of weeks ago because her heart was racing and she was discharged the same day.
I hope and pray her tests will be ok and no heart problem and prays now Amen..


Please pray according
Malachi 3:10,
the Company we work will provide 1 more Older person to take care nice and kind, trustworthy filled with Holy Spirit for Max and Brendaly
in Reno/Sparks.


Please pray for the sanctification of Sr. Mary Claire, Sr. Mary Colette and Sr. Mary Elizabeth. For them to bear much fruit in the Lord's vineyard and to remain in Jesus to the very end.


Bethalto KC Council 4688. Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Mary Wagner


Prayer please

Please Pray that Jesus would restore our physical house according Isaiah 61:7 in Reno/Sparks
for Max and Brendaly. 


Brian P

Dear God, 
I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now left eye to see and normal vision left eye.
I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I need miracles now. I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now.  Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. Pray for peace now in Israel and Ukraine. 



Infertility situation, please pray for us!.


Mark M

For physical healing of my wife's inflammation in her body, and of my brain and nerves. Please Lord have mercy on us.


V Fernandes

Lord Jesus, Mama Mary and God,
Please bless and protect the entire process of my UK student visa. I'm getting worried and panicking for no reason, I am getting unwanted thoughts and getting stressed out. May i obtain the visa to study in the United Kingdom oh dear Jesus, please bless and protect the entire process. Please bless me and pray for me..


My mom went to the Cardiologist today Thursday June 13th. She has go to tests
Wednesday June 26th and Stress Test Wednesday July 24th. I hope my mom will be ok and test will be ok and no heart problems or nothing. Pray for my mom now Amen.


Please pray for my family’s souls of Jaz Z, Miguel Z Jr, Miguel Z Sr, Juana C, Carlos Z, Fernando Z, Juan Jose Z, Eleonor Z, Francisca G, Mariano T, Francisco T, Luteria T, Andrea Z, Ricardo T, Clementina T, Rafael Z, Luz J, Francisco Z, Ruberta C, Jovita Z, Bernardo Z, Teresa Z, Mariana Z, Rosa Z, Lupe S, Elias S, Miguel S, Socorro S, Lieser Z, Mariana Z, Esperanza Z, Pedro T, Rafael A, Maria J G, Keith D, Naomi D, Amelia A, Martha G,.


Please pray for Joel, and Cesar, they are sick and struggling financially, barely making ends meet. Please place them before the Blessed Eucharist. Thanks and God Bless you.


Please pray for Teresa, Wojciech and Katarzyna for solving all financial issues. For health and good job position for Katarzyna. For blessings in business for Teresa. Thank you



Pray for my son who needs surgery and needs special prayers to help him overcome his addiction


Pray for healing of the hearts and minds of Camille D and Sebastian D. Grant them the ability to forgive and forget the hurts and
disappointments of their past relationship. Heal, bless and repair
the cord that once bound them together as one, reconnect and reunite them with and abundance certain of love, trust, respect and unbroken commitment In The Name of Jesus



My mom is going to the Cardiologist this Thursday June 13th. I hope and pray she won't need heart surgery, or medication and she went to the hospital last Wednesday and she was discharged and was heart was racing and I hope and pray when she goes to the
Cardiologist this Thursday, I hope and pray no heart problems and pray for my mom now and love her very much Amen.


Brian P

Dear God,
I need prays, healing, cures and miracle now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye.  I need pray, healing, cure and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental diabilities my whole life now.  Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems Amen..


Oreoluwa Patrick

Am believing for financial breakthrough& America visa success.


Pray for grace of final perseverance and holy death for Crecy Noronha



My mom went into the hospital today yesterday Wednesday and her heart was
pounding and did tests and vitals and she went home today She is home thank god and now she has to see an Cardiologist and hope and pray it won't be serious and prays now and love my mom very much and pray for her now Amen.



Please pray for myself and Georgina that our neighbours will stop harassing us and stop trying to dominate us and spread lies gossip and slander against us and stop turning people against us. This has been going now for years and we want it to stop and for our neighbours to ultimately repent..


Yingyos Teapthong

Pray for Gerard Ratchachanon Tevinsatit, who will be joining the novice house from the Diocese of Tha Rae-Nong Saeng. He has been encouraged to learn and become a good Thai priest. Amen.


Susan & Jim W

Happy 50th anniversary to the Aksamits and for the repose of the soul of Margaret H and Marylou H..



Please pray for our business. We need more customers in order to keep it afloat...



health restoration
for wisdom, love and prosperity.
harmony at work.
realizing our aspirations,
Business cases to be resolved in the Courts. gratitude...


Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Pray for Mr. Vissanu Pattanapan, who has terminal lung cancer, to be encouraged to renew his life by faith in the Lord Christ...


Brian P
Dear God, 
I need to be cured now of Keratoconus left eye. I need to be cured now also learning and developmental diabilities. I need be cured and miracles now. I need miracle now also to have my own apartment as well Amen..


Andrew P
healing from high cholesterol and God to heal me completely from it and help me lose weight that's causing me health issues and depression bipolar worsening.


Andrew P
A joyful heart
Healing from depression bipolar disorder and protection also pray for God to get me onto a good schedule and pray for God to save me praise God also to hear God's voice and God to help me and protection from suicidal thoughts  and for long life and good health to praise God and make me mentally happy and strong mentally and bind any evil spirits causing me depression save me.


Brian P 

I need prayers answered. I need to be healed now and miracle now left eye to see now. I have
Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye.  I need to be healed and miracle now also no more learning and developmental diabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now.



Valentine Judy Andrade

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore, bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore, Vellu Judy with good health good jobs, bless Neha Nikki, heal Nehas Nikitaseyes.




For Peter and Marie-Christine, Michael, Zoé and Lorenzo: conversions, healings, safety, pensions, studies, jobs,.



Please pray for the conversion and eternal salvation of Ms. Pallavi R and her family.




I recently informed my non/anti Catholic parents that I intend to enter the seminary after High School graduation. They are extremely against this, saying they will not let me go into the seminary at all. Please pray fervently that the hearts of my parents may be softened towards my potential vocation and the Catholic Church in general. This would be most appreciated!.



Brian P 

I need prayers answered. I need to be healed now and miracle now left eye to see now. I have
Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye.  I need to be healed and miracle now also no more learning and developmental diabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now.



Please pray for an outpouring of faith hope love gratitude and discernment in our family.


Pray for sanctification of Emedia Fonseca, Mary Claire, Mary Colette, Mary Anastasia and James Rosario.


Pray for Gary,Tom, Scott back pray for Ryan who is has a very bad back pray for my family will exercise,eat healthy and lose weight pray for my marriage and family pray for Tom and Alysha marriage


Tara M

Please pray for my husband Joe's vision to continue to improve and to soon reach complete healing and be fully restored. Thank you for your offer to pray for and with us. God Bless you.  amen


Yingyos T

Pray for Ms. Daranee Teapthong, who gives chemotherapy to breast cancer patients. My sister did an outstanding job.  amen


Matt K
Please pray for the Koswenda family all year please.


Brian P 

I need prayers answered. I need to be healed now and miracle now left eye to see now. I have
Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye.  I need to be healed and miracle now also no more learning and developmental diabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now.


Sharon Stark

Please pray for:
Health and safety of Airman Jason Stark.
Healing and Recovery of Carmelo Pedrosa who was run over by an MTA bus in NYC. He has life threatening injuries. He is a husband and father.
Strength for Carmelo's wife Chrissie. She needs support and prayers as well.
Thank you! May God Bless you.


please pray my dying mother in law


Yingyos Teapthong

Pray for Ms. Daranee T. administers chemotherapy to breast cancer patients. My sister performed admirably. Grain reduction and necrosis.  If it continues to descend, it will be removed with a lumpectomy while the breast is preserved. Thank you,.



For our salvation
health restoration
harmony at work.
concretization of our aspirations
Business to be resolved in court, thank you.


Naaman R.

Prayer for discernment vocation, holiness, and peace.


Brian P  I need prayers answered. I need to be healed now and miracle now left eye to see now. I have
Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I need prayers answered now no more eye problem and normal vision.
 I need to be healed and miracle now also no more learning and developmental diabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now.
I need prayers answered now  Amen. 
 as well.


Pray for conversion and eternal salvation of Agnelo Correia, Steffi Gomes, Samantino Gomes, Philip Tavares and Godwin Vaz.


Pray for conversion and eternal salvation of Agnelo Correia, Steffi Gomes, Samantino Gomes, Philip Tavares and Godwin Vaz.


For complete healing of Blaise Zurcher’s cerebellum, for his continued growth and development in utero, and for peace and trust in God’s goodness for his parents, Chaz and Emily.


Please pray all works out well for my profession and health needs  



Please pray for wisdom & protection from wicked influences for my son & his new wife  They don't speak to me so I ask that God send someone into their lives who Loves Jesus & will keep them close to the Holy Spirit  


Anubhab M.



Kindly please pray for healing of my schizophrenia illness, especially the hell of psychotic and distressing noise of cars constantly bearing down on me, suffered for years now


Intercede for conversion and eternal salvation of Nimisha Priya


Brian P

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre and all the saints
I need prays, to be healed, be cured and miracle now to see left eye. I need prays, to be healed and miracle now also no more learning and developmental disabilities. I have
Keratoconus for 18 years now. I have learning and developmental disabilities now for the past 48 years now. I need miracle now also to have my own place and be independent and do things on my own now Amen.


Request prayer......
I ask to Jesus Christ for M.N.P., who suffer demonic oppression, black magic and evil spirituality bad cults.
Holy God Father Son and Holy Spirit remains in us forever.
Víctor Adolfo Bracamonte.


Ralph V

For an unborn baby, with a twisted umbilical cord. baby Topp mom is M Topp



Please pray for God's blessing on my work against bullying and for the healing of my eyes and bladder


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tavella



Brian P

I need prays, to be healed, be cured and miracle now left eye to see now. I have
Keratoconus left eye for the past 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have. blurred vision left eyealso no more learning and developmental disabillites. I am 48 years old now. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now. I also need miracle now also to have my own place now and be independent and do things on my own now.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for. good. health and no health problems at all Amen.


For the repose of the soul of Brittany Maynard


Giuseppe P.

I want be free from demonic possession


Antonio V.

For the eternal repose of my deceased cousin Antonio Manuel Nobre and all my deceased relatives and friends, that their souls may rest in peace!



Asking prayers for my friend Colleen she can’t seem to lose feelings and get away from a guy named John who is not good for her I’m asking that she’s set free and has a instant clean break and no communication ever again and a greater relationship and unity between myself and Colleen also she’s recovering from a hysterectomy and needs prayers regarding that and her son struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts. Thanks for the prayers



Pray my son Paul gets employed. Is successful and meets a beautiful catholic girl. Thank you


Brian P

I need prays, healing and miracle now left eye to see now. I have Keratoconus left eye for past 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blured vision left eye now. I need prays, healing and miracle. now left eye to see and have normal vision both eyes now.
also no more learning and developmental disaibllites anymore. 


Please pray for the resurrection of the marriage for the life of Ana and Igor, for the resurrection of marital love
Thank you from the bottom of my heart


Please pray for the repose of the soul of my mother, Felicidad P. Manzon. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.



For me to please see a good friend of mine soon.


Anthony Roberts prayer request ( blessings and covering over my life)




Julie P.C.

I'm desperately seeking god to heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs, for God to blessed me to naturally conceive from my husband JARRIN a healthy baby. Let me carry that baby to term and let them lead a happy and healthy life my husband and I are desperately seeking for his powerful miracle for god to place our miracle blessings child in our hands in his holy Image. 



I'm struggling right now at work and at home as I am sure that many people are.
I like to help people in God's name.
I am so sad and can't seem to get out of this funk. My coworker gaslights me, my boss doesn't appreciate me, my husband is verbally abusive and my puppy....who made it all worth it, passed away.
I would get a divorce but my family always worries about me,  I don't want to worry them.
Thank you,


I'm asking for good luck at work


Brian P

I need prays, healing and miracle now no more Keratoconus left eye. I have blurred vision now for 18 years now.  I need prays, healing and miracle now to see left eye and have normal vision both eyes now. also no more learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now.  I want to have my own place and be able to do things on my own. I need miracle now to have my own place now. My mom is feeling better and no more covid. . I hope myself, my sister and brother in law don't get covid and prays now Amen.


Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD GOD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart he'd not neglect the marriage no more


Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD GOD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart he'd not neglect the marriage no more


Kindly pray for; Luz, Sonia, Joel, Joseph, Oscar, Betty, Noe, Waldo, Cesar, Carlos, Crystal, Thalia, Janet & Amy (missing), for their safety, protection, health, & the recently departed souls of Miguel, Jaz, Clemen, Martha, Pancho, Leonor & Jose. Please place this petition before the Blessed Sacrament. Thank you


Michael F. Please pray that St. Joseph, patron saint of house sales, blesses and helps sell my mother's house on Long Island, NY quickly and for top dollar in this difficult market. That Robert K., the R/E agent, and his team do an excellent job. That the house passes inspection and the closing process goes smoothly. That the new owners will be blessed and happy in their new home. And for family unity during this stressful process.

Also, please pray for my mother's soul (Rosaria F.) who died on Ash Wednesday. As well as, my dad's soul and that of other deceased relatives/friends of the family. Thank you and God Bless!
In Jesus' loving name, I pray. Amen. Jesus, I trust in you.

Thank you and God Bless!


Am KIRUNGI RONALD kindly requesting you to stand with me in my prayers i want to start a business this month but am jobless and no money seen and i want to be financially blessed in all areas of my life for wealth prosperity and abundance to serve God and bless those in need by God's will i will be glad to include me in your prayers .


Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Pray for my sister, please. For her breast cancer, Daranee Teapthong had treatment. For Christ's glory



Please pray for my best friend who has cancer...that the doctors find a way to cure him



For our salvation
health restoration
harmony at work.
concretization of our aspirations, thank you


Please pray for the Torres family in Clovis NM and for the repose of the soul of Andrew Torres. We love you Felicia


Brian P

Pray for my mom now and she has covid now and pray that she will heal now and needs miracle now.  I hope and pray she will recover now. Pray that my mom, sister and brother in law don't get covid. We all got the Covid vaccinations and booster shot and she still test postive for covid and has cold and sore throat. Pray for my mom now Amen. Pray for me now to be healed and miracle now to see left eye. Pray for me now also no more learning and developmental disabilities. We need Easter miracles now Amen.



Please pray Jesse S. for repentance, conversion, and healing of body, mind, heart, and soul, freedom from addictions and healing of our relationship.


Dear God and Jesus

My mom tested positive for Covid and I hope she will heal me now and feel better. Pray for her now and to be healed now and no more Covid anymore Amen


Please pray for my scrupulosity, it's been getting worse than it's been before and it's exhausting.



For the repose of the soul of Sister M. Antoinette Luin, FDC who died on Thursday, March 21, 2024


Alan D.

This Lent, please pray for the healing of Alan's schizophrenia illness, the torture of an excruciatingly agonizing and painful hell, like having a thousand painful psychic cuts renewed daily, while being imprisoned, suffered for the past 15.5 years now. Thank you.


Dear God, 
I need prayer, healing, be cured and miracle now to see left eye. I need pray, also no more learning and developmental disabillties.  I also would like to meet a nice women and same age. I am 48 years old. I want to meet nice women who is between 48 and 51 years old. I need miracles now. I need Easter miracles.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems at all. Pray for Pop Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican. Pray for peace in Ukraine and Israel now and end the war now Amen.


Brian P

Dear God and Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Joseph, St John Baptist, All the Saints and
Blessed Mother
I need prayers, healing and be cured now left eye to see now.  I also need miracle now also to have my own place and want to be independent and do things on my own now. I want to be happy now Amen. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good and no health problems Amen.



Please pray for Dennis P that he will receive a large black scapular


For the complete healing of Margo Joy and for all her spiritual and temporal needs, and all her intentions. May Margo be now and always powerfully united to the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary, and may she be powerfully blessed now, forever, and always with all the gifts and virtues of the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary. May Margo’s God given mission flourish abundantly and unite all Christians and Jews through the praying of the rosary and may this mission also reach many more souls, converting them and bringing them all to Jesus. May Margo be fully physically, mentally, and spiritually protected, and be now and always a little soul of St. Therese, The Little Flower and Jesus’ joyful and loving Light in the world, so that she brings many souls with her to heaven one day.



Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy - 18 mos in remission stage 4 gastric cancer - we fear it may have returned. She has Petscan 3-18-24 & Im terrified ! WE NEED A MIRACLE ! She is my love & my life & I can't go on with out her. If possible this Monday @ 12 Noon / EST please say a prayer for her as she goes through the Petscan. Lord hear our prayer.


Brian P

Dear God, I need to be cured and miracle now left eye to see now. I have Keratoconus left eye for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I need miracle now to see left eye and normal vision both eyes now. I need to be cured and miracle now learning and developmental disabilties. I am 48 years old. Pray for my family and good health now and no diseases in life never and no diseases in life either for my family never. No accidents or injuries in life never and no injuries in life either for my family never Amen.
Pray for peace now in Ukraine and Israel and end the war now. 


Brian P

I need healing and miracle now to see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye. I have
Keratoconus left eye for past 18 years now. I need healing and miracles now. I need healing and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities.  I need miracles now God and Jesus now during Lent now and Easter. Amen


Brian P

I need healing and miracle now to see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye. I have
Keratoconus left eye for past 18 years now. I need healing and miracles now. I need healing and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities.  I need miracles now God and Jesus now during Lent now and Easter. Amen


Dayna F

Please pray for Roxanne Palko Jones & Family, Dolores Brophy & Family, Frances, George, Donna Fesko & Family, & The Folta Family


Request prayer.... I ask prayer for healing and deliverance in Christ for Maria Elena M, Juan Carlos N, Álvaro S, Deonilda, M.C.H., M.N.P., your peoples, your problems, and for us and ours, and because Jesus Christ remains internally working in us.
Most Holy God bless it.
Dios Santo les bendiga.
Víctor Adolfo Bracamonte.
25 de mayo 373.
Concepción Tucumán Argentina.



For peace in my heart, for peace in my soul, for peace in my mind


Dominick Y. T.

Prayers for Daranee Thepthong. My sister. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and is ready to begin treatment. May the healing plan be carried out via dependence in the Lord Christ.


Brian P

I need healing and miracle now to see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye. I have
Keratoconus left eye for past 18 years now. I need healing and miracles now. I need healing and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities.  I need miracles now God and Jesus now during Lent now and Easter. Amen



Physical healing for me and my mom’s. Spiritual healing and deliverance for us. Thank you


Hi please pray for me that my doctor's visit are good and that my blood pressure normalizes. Please pray for my son's upcoming surgery, that everything goes good.
In Jesus name Amen


B & M

Please that that God Most High would give Max and Brendaly  Angel from Heaven the one assigned to us was not capable to provide our financial needs. 
Please pray for home 


Brian P

I need healing and miracle now to see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye. I have
Keratoconus left eye for past 18 years now. I need healing and miracles now. I need healing and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilities.  I need miracles now God and Jesus now during Lent now and Easter. Amen


For the happy repose of the soul of Violet Perkhiser.


Brian P

I have Keratoconus now for 18 years now. I can't see left eye. I have blurred vision left eye now for the past 18 years now. I need to be healed now left eye to see now and have normal vision left eyes and both eyes now. I need to be healed now I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now. I need to be healed now. I need miracles now.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no. health problems at all. Pray for Peace in the world now. I need healing and miracles now Amen.


hilario n. llamas jr

Protection and deliverance healing of prostatitis, forgiveness of sins. conversion of eman, raven, cheryle florence, mila, dante, jason, melogyn, joel, richard, jane, mark, for the repose of souls of hilario sr, fernando llamas, soledad, willy dy, alexis burla


For all Holy souls in Purgatory 


B and M

 Please pray that Max, B. would have their home restored In Reno/Sparks area, that was lost in 2013 and 2021. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need 


 I need to be healed now left eye to see now. I have Keratoconus left eye for 18 years now. I can't see left eye.  I need to be healed now also learning and developmental disabilities. I need to be healed now. I need healing and miracles now God and Jesus.  Pray for peace in the world now. 



Please pray for the conversion and healing of my father, who has cancer..


 Please pray and offer Masses for children and innocent People in Israel and in Palestine and in whole world that God protect them and deliver them from any kind of evil in mighty name of Jesus.


Vineet R

Dear Lord I beg of you please let me clear my education loan as soon as possible , let me get a scholarship, financial aid or money so that I clear my loan and so that my parents are not stressed and I can go back home to India soon I miss my family and I want to be with them. I am not getting a job and I am on the verge of giving up on life. alot of problems coming in my life.


asking prayers for my friend Colleen she can’t seem to lose feelings and get away from a guy who is not good for her I’m asking that she’s set free and has a instant clean break and no communication ever again and a greater unity between myself and Colleen also she’s recovering from a hysterectomy and needs prayers regarding that and her son struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts. Thanks for the prayers



Please pray for my cousin Rhonda and her son Rondell...

Please pray for total healing and that they would accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. In Jesus Christ Name Amen



For me and my needs! I beg God to cure my insecurities, weaknesses, needs, for physical, psychological and spiritual healing! I beg God for my suffering and for the healing of my body and soul!



I’ve been feeling very sick the last two weeks in my MA program at Multnomah University. It feels like a spiritual attack—I feel physically weak, and my mind and emotions have been attacked. I’ve fallen very behind. Pray that God will help me to completely catch up! 


Antonin C

For a good job, health (leg, back, eyes, head), a good wife and Blanka Janova



Please help me pray for my mom who is a baptized Christian but has backslid in the last several years which in turn has caused our family to be cursed with the consequences of her bad decisions.  But she taught us kids about Jesus & that's why I still think she's a good mom who has done her job in life since teaching your children the way to get eternal life is all that matters in this life. She's worth it to me to pray for her


Anet K

I have been severely depressed since the man i loved left me with no explanation . Its been 4 month since it happened and I'm still just as depressed as I was when it was fresh. I get panic attacks , I cant seem to take him off my socials and now my life and friendships are all on standstill.



I ask for physical healing for myself, Aurelia,Miroslaw, Aurelia, sister Mediatrix Maria MI, and for solving financial problems of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculata from K..


Please pray for my Nuero Parkinson's Patient mother, Kebira, admitted in hospital so that her memory and speech becomes normal and she can walk, talk and recognise her own people as nothing is impossible for our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen


Brenda G
i pray for blessings on our 50th wedding anniversary, mar 2,2024.bless our 3 children and grandson. healing of my lung cancer.


Jeffrey D
For help in exploring a vocation as a Passionist Associate or Confraternity of Passionist


Jeffrey D
For help in exploring a vocation as a Passionist Associate or Confraternity of Passionist


For the soul of Jose Flores who passed away today.


Helen W
Edward, Helen, Eddie, David Wyrwas, Gabriella & Ed Wesner, Kathy & Karen Kilroy, Joe & Kate Shannon; Gerard King, Michael Y, Fr. Jack Ward, Fr. Matt H, Fr. Bill Murphy, Evannah Grace D, Alicia McC, Alma, Pat, & Erna Dampf, Loretta Ferry, Christian I., Nathan R, Sister Charlotte, Jennifer B, John T, Jack McG, all the sick and dying, their caregivers and loved ones,


Jeffrey D
For a successful hernia surgery on Feb 29, 2024 


O Holy Spirit of truth give divine joy and happiness and protection and infinite graces and virtues and prosperity to Ankica Senjak and Nikola Senjak and Stephen Senjak and Mara Senjak and Ruzica Chmielewski and our family and shed the brightness of Thy light upon us and all the nations that they may please 


For a doctoral international student to find gainful employment!


Please pray for me without ceasing. I need a lot of prayers and miracles.


Prayers of GRACE & BLESSINGS for my husband, JOHMES

May our good & loving LORD grant him GRACES to succeed in all his ENDEAVOURS and BLESS him of earliest EMPLOYMENT so that he may be able to provide for our family & fulfill all our pressing FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS.


for the Holy Father, for poor sinners, and in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  For  conversion of sinners forever, perseverance of the just forever, relief for souls in purgatory forever.


Thiago Targino dos Santos
Prayer request for Thiago Targino dos Santos, so that his name is on the list of those approved on February 15, 2024 for the FGV/OAB test to become a lawyer! I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Julie Patricia castel
I'm seeking urgent prayers for god to open the doors for me and my daughter for a one or two bedroom apartment buildings desperately seeking for god to place his powerful hands upon a brand new apartment permanent place 


My name Dwi. Please pray for me without ceasing.


 Please, help me pray for a stable job that is so much needed in my life. It has been so long , I need your support and I deeply appreciate it. Thank you


 pray Carlos is healed completely from alcohol, never drinks again and the doctors detox him and give him the right treatment and he is discharged from hospital soon. I pray max gets a good job soon I pray healing for Eric from all ailments -Healing for Brian antoinieta Bryson Eric Desmond Carlos Ann Mrs Goldman Malcolm and family dr.Pigot Frank Rob Goldman Gloria, Queenie  I pray Desmond does well in his business 


That The Holy Spirit will perpetually Empower all of my family and loved ones holy Guardian Angels Powerfully to heal protect and guard and guide and intercede and intervene for in all needs and Matters and situations and aspects


Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously. 

May our marriage be restored as it’s tense at present and we get to rejoice together let our worries turn into joy furthermore Our Restaurant Business sales increases daily


Almighty Father, We humbly pray for blessings for The Ruby Group Ltd. Let 2024 be the Most successful Year. We pray that all our debts be cleared so that we can pay our pending bills. Father, Let the Payment from UNOPS and South Sudan come through so that we can clear our bills. 


Antonio V.
For the eternal repose of my deceased uncle Albano Moura and all my deceased relatives and friends, that their souls may rest in peace!


Im asking prayer for my cousin Kristen she is finally in rehab.  I would also like give a praise report and say thank you to God alot of different churches prayed for this to happen so i just would like to Bless Gods name and to say thank you . 


Paul & Margie K.
Please pray for Bob and Caroline Korb for grace in aging and accepting help and for healing of their marriage.


Please pray that my boss and coworkers don't hurt me. I work at a college library and I just want to help people. Thank you for your time.


Author Nicole S Brown
I’m asking for you to pray that my kids and I are healed in all aspects of our lives. We ran for our lives from an abusive situation in our family house.


Seeking deliverance and protection for my famil


Almighty Lord, bless The Ruby Group Ltd to be the most successful Company in Africa. Almighty Lord, let all Clients clear debts owed to us so that we can clear our Pending bills & loans. Almighty Lord, we pray that we get our UNOPS & South Sudan Payments immediately. Amen.


Pray for for repose of souls of Aquino Furtado, Elidio Fernandes, Mukesh Sharma, Crecy Noronha, Esperansa Rego, Celine Dias and Cherian Eapen.


Mary & Martin K
Please pray for Carole Jean Roy, who passed away on November 19th, 2023. May she find peace and comfort in the Lord and may her family find comfort in knowing that she is at home with God.


For return to health for my husband, family and self. God knows the urgency. For family needs special intentions. Thank you




David Shandorf
Good Health.


George Gonzalez
Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of my mom, Severa Gonzalez, who passed away on January 9, 2024. If a Mass is able to be offered for her, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


Aaron John C
1. For the protection and guidance, good health and strength for my family especially for my mother, Redalyn Cruz, and my 2 brothers, Sean Cruz and Timothy Cruz, comfort them with your love.

2. I ask for your guidance as I go home to the Philippines, may I find strength to face my new journey in life, and as I continue my education at Holy Angel University, and may I find my happiness.

All Passionist Saints and Blesseds, pray for us!


Special prayers for Derek O'Donovan. 


Joseph F
pray for. Antionette Gigliotti Pullano. died on jan 12 2024


May God grant healing and strength to Baby Gideon Adiel De Castro.


Daniel C
Prayer request in the area of deliverance from demon as i am opressed by demons and would like this demons to be casted out. Sir iam from Fiji island and iam born again christian, Iam also in debt and Iam suffering, as well as my children,  everyday i undergo physical torture and from last ten years iam hearing their voices day and night, thank you.


Please pray for my surgery to go well on Jan. 19th and I am healed from anxiety. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!


Tan P
Dear Lord please help me. Someone or something pull my spirit out. Please deliver me from them. Please heal my brain quadruple from medicines. May they all forgive me. in Jesus name. Amenr


please pray for me for God's intervention in suffering at work and against slander


JuliePatricia C
 My special intention for this new year of 2024 for God to place his holy spirit and his holy ghost hands upon my WOMB for me to finally be blessed to CONCEIVED my husband WILLIAM first new born Miracle blessings child together


Meelo & Family
 May your light & love Lord Jesus chase away all our misfortunes & your precious blood to cover & shield us from every evil darkness that comes to influence our life & harm us.

Keep alive within us the flame of HOPE, so that with PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE we may come out victorious facing present & pressing FINANCIAL challenges.


Please pray for my husband Paul, he left me for another woman, please pray that the Lord would draw him to repentance, that he would lose his desire for The Other woman and that he would renew his love for Jesus and for me.


Please pray for my unborn babies one has a slow heart rate and an enlarged yolk sac. I'm 6 weeks pregnant . thank you. 


Grace & Blessings for MARIDEE & Family

Gaze upon us with mercy oh GOD and grant our family the means & circumstances to settle our present and pressing FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS. 


Grace & Blessings for MARIDEE & Family

Gaze upon us with mercy oh GOD and grant our family the means & circumstances to settle our present and pressing FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS. 


Ric Jimenez
For Healing of Robert Bustillos from his brain cancer


Please pray for me . I am being haunted by the sexual immoralities of my past and all my sins. Please pray for me so that have complete deliverance and protection to live in holiness, purity and chastity.


I humbly ask for prayers for strength to work and healing from skin ailments and proper treatment. For health for my father John. For eternal life for my mother Jane and grandmother Kazia. God bless you.


Michael B
That Balder Brooks might be granted healing and comfort.


Praying in Yeshuas name that I can work at Blizzard Entertainment even though people jive and taunt at my skills. I wish to walk away from the darkness in my old friends to the heavenly prospect God opens for me this year. Lend me the strength to not be sick, beaten or forgetful in my prayer life. 


JuliePatricia c
My special intention for this new year of 2024 for God to place his holy spirit and his holy ghost hands upon my WOMB for me to finally be blessed to CONCEIVED my husband WILLIAM first new born Miracle blessings child together


Please pray for my protection and deliverance from enemies COELHO BARROS VALDIANE DEBRA SOPHIA DANA.


Pray to make a good sale of the house, return to our city, find good place to live. Blessed ece, cb, le and all with excellent health. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Praised Jesus and Mary
From the depth and humility of my heart, I am asking you to pray for my wife Ana, to forgive me for the pain I caused her and to reconcile and continue living together.


Hello please pray for my family. We have been entangled in a law suit for over a year now . Please pray that God ensures the victory soon for we are tired. In Jesus name Amen


Pray for my son A.J. for health, help I finding work he likes
And less stress in his workplace. Grand him peaceful life, good coworkers snd satisfying work and job.


Valentine Judy A
Pray for Valentine's family to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024, bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore, bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore, heal Neha Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completely from PCOS problem, heal Judy from cancer, depression , heal Vellu from liver problems. .


Julie Patricia C.
Seeking urgently for a powerful MIRACLE BLESSINGS deliverance broke through for God to place all the RELATORS PRIORITY APARTMENT BUILDING to reach back to me for God to approved me for either a ONE OR TWO two bedroom apartment buildings for my daughter and I to moved into immediately desperately seeking for God to open the doors for me to find RENTAL ASSISTANCE


Nadia A.
May the Souls of Osvaldo Floridia and Edmondo Berti rest in peace, and may their sins be forgiven.


For the sake of Lord Jesus Christ please consecrate myself, my brother Faruk R and all my brothers and sisters, my family, alewi people and Antioch/Hatay province and all Turkey (Turkiye) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please !!!!


Pray for grace of final perseverance for Aquino, Assunta and Paulina.


Please pray for me to get rid of the evils and demons and my family,pray for my water that I can have plenty of water in my house, bless us holy mother grant all my intentions and my family,,pray for Anil brother to get a job soon and his financial healing and to settle in USA, destroy every demons in our life's pray for us for to get holy spirit and peace in Jesus name 
Thank you Mama Mary, thank you all saints and angels and holy st Joseph for the prayers Amen thank you Amen
Your daughter payal


Katie Josephine
That my mom’s (Darline) excruciating pain and suffering draws her closer to Christ Jesus, and for swift and complete healing of her spine to show the glory and love God with the intercession of the Saints, particularly St. Gemma.




For my sister Mary who had an acute stroke, that she may have a complete recovery


Hello my name is lynwood priester please pray for me and Raymond Elijah Griffin asking for your prayers against witchcraft and lack of money please pray for me and Raymond for 40 days and nights please pray the evil leave our house


Patricia an Kenneth Gearing
Please pray for our Aunt Evelyn who is 88 whose last request was to spend her final days at home with her cat named of course Angel.
We are fighting a state system to get her that last request.
Please pray for her.
God bless all of you


Laird Snowden
Pray for Sheryl Conway. she is attacked because of the good work she is doing. Thank you for healing Sheryl Jesus, . Sacred Cross of Christ Illuminate Sheryl, Heal Sheryl, Guide her path.


Please pray for healing from Cancer for Ryan E. N., Sarah A., Kevin C S. , Larry G. N. and their families.. Thank You and Thank God. and bless all medical teams.


Prayers for my husband JOHMES

May our good & loving Lord grant him the GRACES to succeed in all his endeavours and BLESS him in all that he do so that JOHMES my husband may be able to provide for our family & settle all our pressing financial obligations.

May He charge his angels over him to protect & guide him and that the HOLY SPIRIT be with our family all throughout this stressful journey that we may be strengthened and prosper, come out victorious and spiritually enriched.


Really need forgiveness from nemesis entities and spirits. Really need house debt canceled



For my husband who is having a very tough year with work. He is in sales and has not had a good year. He is very stressed and worried and feels overwhelmed with the pressure to provide for his family. I ask for peace for him, for greater trust in the Lord’s blessings and abundance. I also pray for greater success at work for Him, that he would succeed in all ways,



Desperately needing God's powerful healing & strength for my mom, sister & I please as we've really been struggling. Thank you so much.



Pray that my brother's surgery and recovery go well. Pray that I gain access to my patient portal for all of my doctors and I receive my brand name prescriptions at the discounted price with no penalty. Pray I loose weight to be the correct weight for my height. That my family and I develop all the virtues to be Saints.


Judy Lyons

Please pray for Bernadette Conrad and her friend Pierre Boule. Bernadette will be having a brain tumor removed on Dec. 19.
Thank you so much.


Julie Patricia

Seeking urgently for a powerful MIRACLE BLESSINGS deliverance broke through for God to place all the RELATORS PRIORITY APARTMENT BUILDING  to reach back to me for God to approved me for either a ONE OR TWO two bedroom apartment buildings for my daughter and I to moved into immediately desperately seeking for God to open the doors for me to find RENTAL ASSISTANCE  seeking for God to work his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a brand new apartment BUILDING a permanent apartment desperately seeking for God to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance




In your charity, please pray for the conversion, sanctification, financial needs, spiritual needs, physical needs, emotional needs, intellectual needs, and salvation of Jaime T. Chavez, Jayfree Chavez, Florian Maček, Leonida Chavez, and Martina Aguirre, so that may the Blessed Virgin Mary look at them with a maternal merciful love.




Please pray that I receive healing from depression and anxiety




Please pray for my husband Nick and our family. That he can see reality, find Christ again and great healing can occur in our family. That we can be reunited in our marriage and he see the abuse hes taking and the throws of his addiction.




Please pray for me to get better of all my mental health problems an I start eating an get healthy again an not to be so scared an worried about everything AMEN




Please pray for my Brother Farrokh who died several days ago .Pray also for the eternal rest of my relatives David Bill Vince Winnfried Jhon Joseph Paul Nicholas Harold James Lucille Ursula James Valentina




Please pray for the Lord's mercy and the intercession of the Holy Spirit in all things related to Iranice T, may all these things be in the hands of the Lord. And may the Lord bless my work, home, finances and my daughters and my son and my ex-wife in the midst of these things. In the name of Jesus, blessed be, amen. Thank you!




Please pray for healing for my daughters.



John Walker

Dear kind friends,

We need prayers and masses for the following intentions:

(List of 21 intentions-)



Daniel S
In thanksgiving for the graces Jonathan and Caitlin have received in their relationship and for Jonathans back. For continued healing and grace for this couple and their two young children. Nora and Layla.



Peace and Healing for MAYCEE

Loving God and Father, please calm MAYCEE's wounded and troubled heart & spirit. May you HEAL the torments that are causing anxiety in her life.

Breathe her your WISDOM, soothe her restless heart with HOPE, and steady her anxious spirit with FAITH.

HOLY SPIRIT, our great comforter, heal your daughter MAYCEE and transform her brokenness.

Grant her WISDOM, HUMILITY, and GRACE so that she may find PEACE in LIFE and great meaning, joy & fulfillment in her every relationship.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord & Redeemer.




Please offer a masses and pray that God stop slaughter of innocent children and people in Palestine and Israel and in whole world.
Pray for peace.
In Jesus name unisone we ask.
Thank You God
Thank You Father



Helen W
My husband, Ed, is very sick. Please pray for Ed, our children and me. I can not get an appointment for him. He needs an assessment. Thank you. God bless you. Helen



Rajiv U
Please pray for me so that I should get a life partner chosen by Jesus for me.
I am struggling to find a life partner.

Pray to lord jesus and holy spirit to take charge of my family.

Pray to Jesus to bless my work and career. I am struggling in my work.



Please pray for my husband Brian - that God will provide a clear exit from the world a yoga and a failing business venture. Please pray for my husband's reversion to the faith, and for our finances. Thank you.



Julie Patricia c
Seeking urgently for a powerful MIRACLE BLESSINGS deliverance brokethrough for God to place all the RELATORS PRIORITY APARTMENT BUILDING to reach back to me for God to approved me for either a ONE OR TWO two bedroom apartment buildings for my daughter and I to moved into immediately desperately seeking for God to open the doors for me to find RENTAL ASSISTANCE



Robert and Jeanne W
Please pray for our friend and neighbor, John R, who is in the ICU with heart failure



Mary Jo
Prayers for work situation no meeting left alone peace



Valentine Judy
Mama Mary, Little flower, all Saints and Angels intercede for Valentine's family .Bless us to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024. Bless Neha with Bank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package, bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita Anusha with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic healthy life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them, Bless Neha Nikita to settle very close to each other, in one house itself.Bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession.Keep us United.



Please pray for me and many loved ones for healing



Please pray that God will reveal His will in my life, particularly in my career path. We are in financial need but I cannot find the right job. I feel like I am completely stuck in a situation that would require a miracle to get out of. Please pray for my family!



Victor B
Pedido de oración.... Pido oración por liberación en Cristo para Maria Elena Marsilli, Juan Carlos Nieva, Álvaro, Deonilda, M.C.H., M.N.P., sus gentes, sus problemas, y para nosotros y los nuestros, y porque Cristo permanezca interno obrante exorcista en nosotros lo nuestro y los nuestros. Dios Santo les bendiga. 



Please God take the pain away. My heart aches to be with the husband but he left me to be with my girlfriend & I don’t want to be alone anymore especially on the holidays. I can’t take this depression anymore. I would rather never wake up again so that the pain would stop. Please God help me please take this depression away.



Giuseppe P
I want be blessed and sealed with the blood of Jesus,and i want that be also blessed and sealed with the blood of Jesus the my house and my family.



That my mental clarity be restored to be more functional with chores and finances. that my son akaash
finds happiness. Thank you.



JuliePatricia C
Seeking urgently for a powerful MIRACLE BLESSINGS deliverance brokethrough for God to place all the RELATORS PRIORITY APARTMENT BUILDING to reach back to me for God to approved me for either a ONE OR TWO two bedroom apartment buildings for my daughter and I to moved into immediately desperately seeking for God to open the doors for me to find RENTAL ASSISTANCE 



That my best friend joe surgery is successful and that his cancer has not spread



I pray for protection from slander and plans of the enemy. I pray the plans will be broken



Kimberly S.
Bring back my marriage to Jim & his infidelity & all contact with the other girl will cease. I pray that Jim will love & be close to Jesus again & we can go to church again together.



Andrew R.M.

For all of the Special prayer intentions of
Saint Charbel Makhlouf, O.L.M.



Andrew R.M.
PRAYER INTERCESSION OF Gemma Umberta Maria Galgani - those suffering back injury or back pain




Daniel S
For my son Jonathan and his wife Caitlin for their marriage and the healing of his back and emotions.




Special intention for my best friend Joe



Please pray for my family and our deliverance and healing from generational curses and sins. I asked Holy Spirit to fill us with all of his gifts and particularly flood every member of our family with faith. Hope love and humility.



Dear kind friends,

We need prayers and masses for the following intentions:

1. Africa;
2. Middle East;
3. to be discharged from UAI Martins hospital;
4. dysfunctional families;
5. ancestors of Sagata, Kanno and Hashiguchi families;
6. Brazilian public schools;
7. Brazilian election;
8. Brazilian slum;
9. help me when I grow old, fall sick and when I die;
10. working people rights;



Thanks to pray that the Lord blesses Yann, that he gets the right help to remain sober, that the Lord gives him discernment and strength to make the right decisions in his life, that he keeps close to his children and returns to Christianity.

Thanks to pray that Armelle be at peace, be well surrounded by family and friends, that she settles down healthily back in her residence with her friends there and be healed from covid - that Armelle comes back to christianity to cope with her life.. - that Armelle and Beatrice get reconciled-



Dear Lord Please hear our prayer for Magda, David, and their children. We humbly ask for health and protection for them through the holy blood of Jesus. May your blessings and wealth be poured upon our family and all those who pray for this intention. Amen.



Please pray for God's powerful healing & strength for my mom, sister and I as we've really been struggling. Thank you so much



The complete and immediate healing of M.S. through the intercession of Our Lady.



For my daughter that she would fully embrace and run after God, and love Catholicism, and reject the world.



Noel D
I am praying hard, I am 66 years old, and wife is 64 years old. Her children support and poisoned her mind to leave me. Sir, I want her back with me. i will not survive alone witout her. Please say a fervent miracle prayer to Almighty Gilod and Lord Jesus that her heart may change from stone to flesh and she comes back to me. as per Gods will. Thank you.




Seeking urgently for God's powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT BUILDING for my daughter Alexsina and I to finally moved into Desperately seeking God to permanently place his powerful hands upon a all.



Eternal Father,
Kindly send your angel peace and the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael to guide the leaders and those involve in the ongoing conflict.
May the Holy Spirit be upon in countries Israel & Palestine to enlighten the minds of those maneuvering the situation and grant PEACE for the benefit not only their own but the whole world.

Oh God of MERCY protect & save the lives of innocent people. Please help us not to lead everything to human catastrophe.



Please pray for the spiritual needs of Pelenatete Ineleo.



I am required to pass 4 very difficult exams in order to apply for a job. I did not clear part 1 when I gave it earlier this year. I plan to give it again this December. I am anxious and exhausted. I hope to get a score that will help me, if it is the will of God. Please keep me in your prayers.



Joseph Christian C.
Lord Jesus, you know my family in deep financial & health crisis, totally devastated with curses and evil tests. I beg you Holy Trinity, to deliver us from all evil and its wrathful attacks. Come Lord to our immediate rescue with necessary financial and health blessings by your unconditional mercy & love.



Please pray that I don't want to be loved, understood, or comforted. Thank you



David N
I ask for your prayers towards the end of improving my corporal, and far
more importantly, my spiritual life so that I may follow Him more
faithfully during this difficult time of my life.



Almighty Father, I sincerely thank you on behalf of my family for the far we have come. Almighty Father, bless 2023 to be a year of great fortunes, good health, GREAT breakthrough and to be more spiritual and close to you. I thank prayer warriors who have been praying for my family and I. Thanks for the gift of life. Almighty Father, I pray that we receive payment for our Juba Projects so that we can finish...



Will you please pray for God to send me new clients with Aetna insurance?



Pray for eternal rest for souls of Sr. Mary Beatrice, Sr. Mary Celine, Sr. Mary Gemma, Ms. Victoria Conceisao, Fr. Olivio Miranda, Ms. Lilia Conceisao, Ms. Leonora Correia, Mr. Peter Correia and Mr. Joseph Conceisao.



Carol Therese
Prayer request for my brother-in-law Reyes, who will be having a knee replacement on Wednesday. Also prayers for his doctors ,nurses and all who will help with his medical care.
Also for the souls and purgatory, especially those from our family. Thank you for your witness of God’s love, and his great mercy in the world.



Kait S
I just want to know I matter to people and have them reach out to me. Also suffering emotionally, physically, spiritually.



Please pray for my best friend Joe....that God will heal him from his sickness



Please pray for me to be healed from anxiety. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it



Julie P
Emergency urgent prayers requests that I'm desperately seeking God's powerful prayers for a two bedroom apartment buildings to live with my daughter I'm desperately seeking God to permanently open completely wide all the doors open for me to be blessed with a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT TO LIVE IN 



Ashley Nichole J.
Cleanliness and clearing of all strongholds and stumbling blocks and stones. Isaiah 57:14



Please offer a thousands of mases and prayers to our Holy Trinity and Virgin Mary and angels and saints that all heavenly court unite it self and with Jesus as leader protect to children from any abuse



Please offer a thousands of mases and prayers to our Holy Trinity and Virgin Mary and angels and saints that all heavenly court unite it self and with Jesus as leader protect to children from any abuse



For the eternal repose of my deceased aunt Teresa Nobre and all my deceased relatives, that their souls may rest in peace!



Joy J
Please pray for Nancie C. as she goes through her breast cancer treatment. Please pray for all those going through or have been through breast cancer treatments.



Please offer  thousands of masses and prayers to our Holy Trinity and Virgin Mary and angels and saints that all heavenly court unite it self and with Jesus as leader protect to children from any abuse
and harm 



Richard R and Djemima R
Oh lord I have been faithful. I need a miracle. My marriage is ending and she is being cruel. I love her and she loves me. Save our marriage. Restore my health and finances. Save my family. My strength is leaving me. Please grant me a miracle. Save us. 



Anh Mai
Please pray for all grandmothers who have been tireless examples of maternal love and sacrifice. May God provide healing to their physical and mental afflictions so that they can continue being strong pillars to their families.



Pray for my brother and sister in law to continue on there spiritual journey with God and grow in their relationship with him and for graces for repentance thru his Devine mercy, and a heart transformed on fire for him.



Please pray for Jesse S. for his healing and conversion and freedom from addiction and healing of our relationship.



Pray for Neha to be placed in Bank job govt job in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita with holy catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them



Lord God I beg you to hear my plea's &show me a sign that you are working things out. My 40 year old son, Chad is an alcoholic and refusing treatment.



Valentine Judy A 
Pray for Valentine's family to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024, bless Neha with Bank job govt job in Bangalore Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, bless Vellu Judy with good health good job.



Please pray for Gene's relationship with his adult daughter Melissa it needs a miracle healing



Jennifer A.
Please pray for wisdom & salvation for my son Jon Christian & his new wife Morgan. They don't speak to me but I pray God sends someone into their lives who loves Jesus to mentor them & keep them close to the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 54:13 the Lord promises me all my children will be taught by the Lord & great will be their peace



Bob H.

I ask your prayers for the unborn baby of Bob and Amy H. We have been praying so hard for God to bless us with another child. We ask Mary, Mother of God, to intercede that this pregnancy will be healthy and successful and bring another child into our home for us to love. 

Thank you,
Bob H



LORD,protect Hungary,Bp,my village,have Mercy on B,P,Z,B,K,L,S,L,P,C,R,my family,politicians in Hungary, USA,EU,NATO, Russia,Ukraine through intercession of Mary! Grant us peace, purity, abortionless world



Blessings for my continued healing in body, mind, and spirit. Thank you



please intervene God. I’m hurt inside, i am so tired to cover everything by pretending and no matter how hard I pray nothing seems to be working, please pray for Damianus aditya christie and me. I have been waiting for reconciliation and peace for me and him,



Pray for eternal salvation of Shawn Fernandes, Abigail D'Souza, Veldrofe D'Souza, Fiona D'Souza, Ninoshka Fernandes,



A Marian Daughter
A personal intention.



Prayer for the conversion of heart and mind and soul of Helena T




Prayer Request for ESHA & Family
Merciful Father, we humbly asking for a FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH.

We plead with you to help us to overcome our debts and worries, and break free of the financial woes that hinder us from moving forward in this life.

With your infinite generosity and goodness grant our family continued graces and blessings throughout the days to come.




For the repose of the soul of Father Mario Orrigo



Father you say, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart, i depend on you and still hope, if God deign, please God soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me,



Craig W T.
I ask prayer God banish all evil forces on my life



Derek Gerard S.
Please pray for me Derek Gerard S. I'm suffering persecution



Brothers in Christ, Let us pray for my uncle. He is Mr. Taib Mahmud. He is old, sick and bedridden. Pray for his conversion, his repentance and his change of heart. Pray for his happy death. Thank you.



Robert H.
Me to be Healed and get back into the word



God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me.



Bob H.
My wife and I pray that God will bless us with another child and assist us in our financial struggles.



Abba Father, The lands we farm were once part of a larger holding under the control of UnGodly, cruel Landlords. I desire to include such landlords, their lands farmed by us, our Neighbors, the Homes/lands of the members of our family tree and all their neighbors lands in this intention - Abba Father - I plead to you to bring the healing Blood of Jesus into our generational lines to heal any spiritual, physical, Effects of Traumas or mental maladies passed down through the generations. I have the same the lands that we farm -



For Healing




Ronnie & Divine
Almighty Father and Mother Mary, we come to you with a heart full of hope and a sincere desire. We humbly ask for your blessings and guidance on this journey towards Parenthood. We yearn to experience the joy and miracle of bringing a new life into this world.

Grant us the strength to endure any challenges that may come my way, and fill our heart with patience and faith as we await the gift of pregnancy. Please bless our body with health and fertility, that we may conceive and nurture a precious child.




For Frank and Cecelia's marriage & deliverance & salvation of bot



For Phil Bevins who has terminal cancer. I would like him to be enrolled in your Passionist Spiritual Enrollment.



Dear Passionists,
Please pray for Danny P. Age 65. In Pt St Lucie FL - is struggling with dementia and depression. Is a retired NYPD officer. He knows he is losing cognitive abilities. It grieves him terribly. Needs full time care and a sense of the deep love of God.



Julie Patricia
My desperate urgent prayers requests that I'm deeply deeply deeply desperately seeking urgently for god to make sure that my INTAKER MR JOSE A.C.  who's in charge of my case for my city  for God to speak through Mr JOSE A.C. mind and heart to permanently to speak to his supervisor to speed up my process for my recertification applications for a RELOCATIONS APPROVAL to moved from where I'm living into a brand new large Two bedroom apartment BUILDING



Victor Adolfo B. and family
Request prayer for Deonilda....... Holy God Jesus Christ exorcices to Deonilda and her peoples, with your Precious Blood. Victor Adolfo B. Concepción T- Argentina.



Jim & Serey M., Orange, California
Please offer prayers for the good health and wellbeing of our beautiful and loving Aunt Kathy (and her wonderful family!), who is celebrating her 89th birthday on August 12th. Thank you very much and may God bless you all.



Pray for Jesus through the intercession of Mother Mary, to grace me a special grace, for a portion of my house not to be demolished.



Please pray for me for this week to be a week of great job offers financial blessings and great open doors for my career to soar in Jesus name



Julieanne C
For Carl Willgeroth: Please pray for personal financial security, peace of mind and freedom from worry, safety of our military personnel, and for a loved one seeking a peaceful death.



Robert H
Me to be Healed and get back into the word



Anh Mai
Loving God, source of all that is love, please watch over Jodi Erickson her children. May they receive your blessing, and may Our Lady protect them.



Anh Mai
Loving God, sustainer of the universe, please watch over Esther Iannetta and her husband. May they receive your blessing, and may Our Lady protect them.



Please pray for the complete and swift healing of Joan from her many health conditions (thyroid/hormone, autoimmune, mold and GI illness, and abnormal lab values). Prayers too for her family as they care for her



Prayer for me & wife
my wife talking is always talking time shouting angry and fighting with me .  I am always waiting for talking brother I love you my wife so much



Lord let one girl at night that works with me come and visit me in molding area one girl that wants to go out with me



Bob and Christine
For the D'Anjou family, so that they may find peace and always have faith



Almighty Father, I sincerely thank you on behalf of my family for the far we have come. Almighty Father, bless 2023 to be a year of great fortunes, good health, GREAT breakthrough and to be more spiritual and close to you. I thank all the prayer warriors who have been praying for my family and I. Thanks for the gift of life. Almighty Father, I pray that we receive payment for our Juba Projects so that we can finish them successfully. Almighty Lord, we humbly pray for more Constructions Projects in Juba & entire South Sudan. Almighty Father, we pray that we open an office in DRC Congo and that Lord you bless the office with lots of Design & Build businesses.



Please pray for the conversion and eternal salvation of Leo C., Sucorinha G.



God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus  heart for me.



Salvation and conversion of Brandon A, Adrian H, EJ D, Ellamae S, Jade D, Jannah B, Janz L, Jemina J, Jenylyn C, Jomarie E, Joseph R, Kate R, Lauren T, Lhyza P, Luis M, Lyka T, Mariel A, Nicole E, Niña P, Rhoda a, Dorotea P



Robert H.
Me to be healed



For Maridee's Family :
With God's infinite goodness and generosity may He grant the family ---
• RELIEVE of financial woes
• EASE of massive stress
• SUCCESS in all endeavors
• God's MERCY in all grievous offenses and negligences
This we ask through the merits of Jesus Christ and light & love of the Holy Spirit. Powerful intercession of Immaculate Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, Blessed Apostles Peter & Paul, Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St Raphael and all the angels & saints of heaven. Amen



Offered for MEELO'S FAMILY:
Merciful FATHER, we ask that you give our FAMILY the means & circumstances to stir our current financial crisis. Help us as we struggle during this difficult time..
• PROVIDE for our needs and give us HOPE.
• FURNISH the resources we need to live with dignity.
Encourage those who have enough to share essential resources with us who at present lack the necessities of life, and that others do so with humble, grateful and loving hearts.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.



Charles T
Dearest Jesus PLEASE forgive all my, and my friends & family's sins so we can stay close to you thruout eternity.



Please pray for my covid to go away, and please pray for my mom that she doesn't catch covid from me. Please pray for our overall well-being. I love my mom and I'm always scared something bad is going to happen to her..



God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me.



Lord please help me. My condition is not getting any better. I think I am getting worst. I need to undergo andiogram due to my heart condition. And my diabetes and glaucoma are not helping me either. I don’t have financial means to undergo treatment. Please pray for me I am begging you all. Have mercy on me please.



God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me



Robert H.
Me to be healed






That my spouse remains healthy and COVID-free for his upcoming major surgery, and that illness doesn't occur that would delay it. 



Please pray for our family’s healing and deliverance from all infirmity, misfortune and evil. Please help my husband in a particular way be freed from childhood abuse and deep family division and enmity. 



Gustavo C
Dear brothers:
I wanted to ask for prayer for Andrea Emilia B, for the Cáceres family and for me, for the liberation of all evil spirits, be it of mind, spirit, or body. For the healing, liberation and needs of the genealogical trees of the Cáceres, Rios, Alonso, SantaCruz families and for the eternal rest of their deceased. Thank you very much and may the Lord bless you!



May the Lord bless my family with good health, in body, mind and soul. 



Can you please put me in your prayers. Things are not going well I’ve been praying to God for assistance my business is falling my fiancée left me can’t even support my child I ask you my praying friends to join me in prayer for God to show his mercy on me and that I restore and fix all my problems my business to pick up for me to be able to provide for my child and be reunited with my fiancée 



Antonio V.
For the eternal repose of my deceased grandmother Maria and all my deceased relatives, that their souls may rest in peace! 



Please pray for Kimberly to restore her career successfully. To remove all blockages restore and shower her with blessings and great opportunities in multiple folds in the name of Jesus.To ask the lord to send her divine blessings to know what to say to bring to her many clients.To reject for her the financial setback the ups and downs in her life career for more success prosperity abundance. Bless you all praying. Thank you for all your prayers and help.. 



Josh is mentally and emotionally not well and seems to have turned from God.
Prayers for a miracle for healing and return to God.



For a blessing for my husband Ken, who recently died, and for our family as we endure the loss. Asking for strength and energy and clear thinking to take care of all the details. 



Family, financial, relationship, prayer life, struggles, want of a holy spouse and family. Financial assistance to be able to enter grad school program. 



I ask for prayers for my 47-year-old sister Anna Isone with cancer that has metastasized to the bones and liver. 



Anh Mai
Please pray for the well-being of the clients and their loved ones at Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen. May God bless them and Our Lady protect them. 



Holy Spirit, I want to thank you for everything, I have been praying so long please grant me an answer to my prayer. Amen! 



Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be, I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen 

I have been praying so long please grant me an answer to my prayer. Amen!



please help me with this terrible illness 



Lisa H
Landlord's son attacked &tried to hurt me. Need safe place for me & ESA cat 



God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch Damianus Aditya Christie heart for me. 



Irene A.
Please pray for Michael Ambrosia. 



Please pray for my son Landon who is having suicidal thoughts that they go away and he comes home to his family. 



I humbly ask for your prayers as I face various challenges in my life. Since graduating college in 2015, my career journey has been marked by underemployment and a lack of fulfillment. Currently, I work as a nursing home receptionist, but it doesn't provide the engagement and satisfaction I desire. I yearn for a job where I can feel secure, financially independent, and emotionally fulfilled.

Compounding my struggles, I rely on my parents' financial support, as they generously contribute towards half of my rent. This dependence adds to my feelings of inadequacy and the need for financial stability. Additionally, my boyfriend has expressed his intention to propose once I achieve emotional and financial independence, emphasizing the importance of stability in both my personal and professional life.



Please pray for conversion and eternal salvation of Analiz C, Godwin V, Santana V, Noor J, Keith N, Agnelo C, Philip T,  Emedia F, Sammy G, Steffi G and Odilha S.  



Bless me and my time of heartache as going through this time apart between me and my partner has been very hard. I have tremendous faith in God that he will help me repair this relationship in Jesus' name. I pray that I have the strength and patience to help me focus and relax on my mind. 



For Camarin S.




Purushothaman K
I want to get success in my love with my keerthana I want to married him in my future with my keerthana with parents permission and God blessings. 
Please pray for my love success with my keerthana. Please pray for my love marriage successfully with my keerthana.

Thank you



Please pray for my father, Ernest's recovery. He is on life support with no brain activity. Doctors tell us to turn off his life support. We are not ready to let him go. We love him and want him back at home. 



heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. 



Please pray for my 12 year old daughter Nicole Mary as she is suffering from medicine resistant epilepsy and allergy. Thank you 



Please pray that our son Scott will come back to the faith and believe in God again and that he will find a job that works for him very soon. Thank you 



Randy's feet have not healed so that he can learn how to walk and I want him to come home so bad he is so lonely and he's been thru so much is in rehab healing from broken femur crushed pelvic bone kidney disease  Please pray that if it is God's will that he will be able to walk again soon. I pray he has the tender care he needs the changes he needs the food and nutrition he needs his arms are skin and bones and the pain medicine he needs. Thank you. 



Please offer a mass for my collegeue s Brother.
He found out that He has leucemia
His sister is gonna donor Him bone tissue to be transplated
He is undergoing chemotherapy .
Please God cure Him
He s only 42 year
Please God help His family
Let the transplation goes well and chemotherapy also
Guide Him Lord and be with Him and His family and loved ones.
Cure Him in your Mighty Name we ask You
You can make that happen
You are Mighty
You are Almighty
Thank You hearing us
Have mercy on Him
Have mercy on them
We love You Lord
He loves You
Thank You all
You have done a miracle
I believe You already cured Him
Praise to Jesus
Praise to You Father
Praise to You Holy Spirit
Thank You Holy Trinity
Thank you Mother Mary



Please be in agreement w me for Gene. He works for the prison system & I ask that the blood of Jesus cover him as he goes to work each day to protect from the evil & wickedness that is brought in by ppl who are lost or who practice voodoo & witchcraft. 



Irene A
Please pray for Sarah A that she will be well 



Anh M.
Please pray for the health and well-being of all Passionists and staff at Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen. May they continue working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and serve true to the Catholic Worker Movement. 



 Juelle F
Requesting prayers to meet a god fearing Catholic man who is ready for marriage, someone who would be a good husband and father.

For god to help me keep an open mind and heart to the person he has in store for me



Please pray that if it is God's will Jesus P and Jess E will be united through the sacrament of holy matrimony soon. 



Pray for soul of Constance Roscigno 



Pray for soul of Constance Roscigno 



For healing of David L. S. who is suffering from probable bladder cancer.  



For healing of David L. S. who is suffering from probable bladder cancer.  



Tony & Janice Colarusso
Please pray for James Darrow Sr for his passing on May 5, 2023. Thank You. Amen. 



Lord Jesus Heavenly Father I beg you to enable my son lose weight and bless him with fit stomach and body I beg you Lord Jesus bless ACV to be effective on his body and also establish healthy food habits for my son; bless my son to eat healthy



Pray for eternal salvation of Deepesh G, Shraddha R, Archana N, Aishwarya T., Sweta S. 



heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart, Father, You knows how long I have waited a reconcilitation for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus A. heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, but Lord you can. please bless those who hate me, don't let their hatred on I made them proud. God you be able to do all things. you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. please make this miracle happen for me     



Please pray for Sarah A. and her well being 



Please pray for my protection from enemies. D10, Lord bind every lie and curse spoken against me. And Lord please deliver us from the people in D10. 



Please help to reconcile my marriage to John! Thank you! 



heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart, Father, You knows how long I have waited a reconcilitation for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, but Lord you can. please bless those who hate me, don't let their hatred on I made them proud. God you be able to do all things. you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. please make this miracle happen for me 



Please pray for the conversion and eternal salvation of Philip T, Agnelo Co, Steffi G, Samantino G and Analeez C. 



Viola Cleo
Pray to heal Viola Cleo brain cancer, sleep disorder, emotional trauma, grief, loss, loneliness, with millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, lift up Magdalena heal her mind from a stroke, mind needs restoration, and depression and split personality disorder and sleep disorder and nasal cavity desperate need due to brokenness, and heal hair loss, renewal of mind needed, with spiritual gifts given back, lift up Cordelia heal her mind and heart trouble and family tree. 



I want to request for prayer for marriage I am 41 years old and single, no kids. I am worrying my time is running out as a woman to give birth - I would appreciate if you can look into my request - I understand you get a lot of prayer requests from around the world on daily basis 



Please pray for sanctification and eternal salvation of Mary Elizabeth, Keith Noronha, Analiz Campos, Christopher Nagaraju, Agnelo Correia, Philip Tavares, Emedia Fonseca, Sammy Gomes, Steffi Gomes and Odilha Sequeira. 



Please pray for the soul of my middle sister Debra Ann who passed away this morning 4/26. 



Can you kindly please pray for my friend. Her name is Hazel. She is 15 years old. She is born with Cerebral Palsy. She have behaviour problems like she always throw her tantrum and she is always crying. Pray for her that our dearest Lord Jesus Christ will heal her with his healing touch and she will be getting better. Thank you very much for your prayers. God bless you always. 



I am asking you with all my heart to pray for me and my ailing father John. Dad has vision problems, hip pain and other ailments. My blood pressure spiked due to stress at work and I had to go to the doctor For a new lighter job, strength to persevere in the old job until the end and the soul of our deceased Jane 



I signed up for medical leave from work. The FMLA company won't make a decision. My work is at jeopardy. 



For healing and forgiveness 



Praying that Father Cedric Pisegna Passionist priest will have a successful mission trip in New Orleans, La. That he will speak passionately about the finished work of the cross and many souls will be born again. Thank you for praying in Jesus name. 



Please my dearest Sacred Heart of JESUS please heal Tom completely of his heart attack.  Please my dearest Sacred Heart of JESUS please heal Lauren and Tom completely of all of their migraines and headaches.  Please my dearest JESUS, please always heal, bless, protect and preserve Kathryn and Lauren’s eyes, eyesight and vision.  Please my dearest Sacred Heart of JESUS please always heal, bless and protect Kathryn, Lauren, Tom, Josh and me with all of your Holy, Heavenly, Healing, Divine, Miraculous blessings forever and ever.  Please dearest Sacred Heart of JESUS please bless Lauren with peace and joy at work. 

Please my dearest Sacred Heart of JESUS, please keep me safe in my work, my job,  Please my Sacred Heart of JESUS, I am beseeching you,  



Please pray for me and my family. I am so I'll it's causing my family to be sad. I need to get back to my life and workout daily like I was I have 20 lbs to lose for my BP. I have an immune disease and working out is so important 



PRAY to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw brain cancer, sleep disorder, emotional trauma, grief, loss and loneliness and nasal cavity due to brokenness, lift up Magdalena lovejoy free her from a brain tumor and depression, cancerous hole in cheek, and split personality disorder, sleep disorder, and with millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, lift up Cordelia Vogel. 



Please pray for my ex-girlfriend Sarah and myself , that we may both be drawn closer to Christ and reconciled to each other 



Good day,

I am Eduardo , from Catarman N, Samar, Philippines. Please pray for me for good health! And have a healthy immune system! And have a Good attitude towards others! Starting this April. and coming Day's and week's to come!..

Please pray for me to stop the pains all over my body, in my eyes, stomach, feet, arms.



please keep praying that I pass the maneuvers and the road portion next time for my cdl tes 



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua  



Please pray I pass my cdl exam tomorrow at the dmv! There are 3 portions I need to pass (pre trip, maneuvers, and road) 



For the marriage of Aldo & Griselle Molina. For finding a suitable employment for my cousin Xaviera. For the healing of my cousin Irving and his kids. For the conversion of all my family and friends, for learning the truth and to open their spiritual eyes. 



For my friend who is having anxiety of a disorder in her stomach and lower body. I pray that she is healthy and guided by the Holy Spirit in prayer. 



The conversion of Kolbe Rose and that Brother Patrick Lynch, MIC be graced now and always with a double portion of The Holy Family’s Spirit.. 



Please pray that my husband Joe sees the light and stops the divorce proceedings. That he comes home to me and our 2 year old daughter and that he permanently ends his relationship with another woman and his friend  who is a male escort and a bad influence. 



For healing and peace for Rosemarie and Carl Amrhein 



I need prayers for protection for my daughter Kimberly and my grandson Elijah from a woman driving a gray car in rogan's trailer park bardstown 



Please pray for freedom from anxiety. To not get overwhelmed. 



Mary Jane Huemmer’s soul
Elizabeth & George Huemmer’s souls
Hilda & Peter Krappmann’s souls
All the souls in purgatory especially my family, friends & relatives souls
Dear Lord please have mercy on these souls and may you bring them to your heavenly Kingdom & help my friends John & Eileen get through their problems & have a better life. Thank You.






Requesting a prayer for my deceased mother-in-law, Mary Lamanis 



I am Anthony, a Chinese Catholic. I feel drawn to Contemplative life, especially to Solitude and Silence. I pray if such a desire is Holy and from God, that God helps me, rather I pray it diminished if it is selfish and not came from God. 



Please pray for the soul of my grandfather Charles who passed away Monday night. And for my family in our grief. 



Father, You know how long I have waited a reconcilitation for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. 



Ana Maria
Dear Lord, please heal me so that you are in the center of my heart, my life, my work, my relationships, especially with Michael.
Please oh Lord, bring stability to all areas in my life, specially brain health, body health, work and finances, according to your will.
Please allow me to buy a house where I can live in peace and harmony, also please let me work for US Government so that I can have income at the end of my life, I beg you in the name of Jesus. Amen.



Dearest Jesus,

Pls pray for us all (especially me) to find meaning, peace, purpose and joy.

Pls pray for us all (especially me) to live our lives pleasing to God.

Thank You.



Please pray for the following that they will get to heaven: Jason Mudd and family, Shannon McTighe and family, Debra and James Mudd, Sharon Shasho and family, Arlena and Lyle, and Larry Clements, Eloise and Jack Mudd.
Thank you so much!



For the eternal repose of my deceased grandfather Antonio Romao and all my deceased relatives, that their souls may rest in peace! 



 My mom is having a lump on her breast pls pray for her hoping its not breast cancer and for the lump to be gone . Thank you 



I am praying to receive disability Social Security. I am not able to work any longer. I am praying for a healing to happen to me. For me to be out of debt, for once and for all, to remove my student loans. amen 



Through the intercession of the Holy Family, that Brother Alexander Chung, MIC is claimed now and always as a little soul of St Therese 



heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart, Father, You know how long I have waited a reconciliation for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, but Lord you can. please bless those who hate me, don't let their hatred on I make them proud. God you be able to do all things. you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. please make this miracle happen for me 



Please pray for the repose of the soul of Julia André Parini 



please pray for Brenda and Joseph to have a happy life together, in jesus name amen 




Please pray for a miraculous Devine healing for my stage 4 aggressive small cell cancer..




Please pray for Jim in his upcoming surgery.



Please pray for my family especially for my 4 year old son Noel and His Mother Snježana.And for my and Snježana s relationship to be blessed and protected and please pray for our fidelity to each other and for protection from other people , from evil to us and relationship.
For Noel , 



I need prayers for protection for my daughters Kelly and Kimberly my grandson's Cameron Dakota Elijah my wife Denise son-in-law Tim me Phillip Bartley.  



I ask for prayers for my marriage and for my inner healing. For the pains of my heart. May God give me the grace of forgiveness and free me from grudges and resentments. Thank you very much for your prayers. By my eyes and sight. May God bless you abundantly. 



I need prayers for miracles
1. I’m 42 and had a ton of trauma. Just finishing my masters in social work. I need to make it through my last semester. I need peace. I need a good paying job. I basically have nothing. I’m starting off close to 43 w college debt and nothing else.
2. My son went on an interview for an engineering scholarship that would pay for 4 years of school, room and board. 20 interviewed and 10 will make it in. I need Emmett or be one of the 10. He is an extremely hard worker.
3. I need miracles and God himself in my relationship with Kyle. ...

Thank you



Anh Mai
Please pray for inter-religious dialogue and more entrance into the Catholic Church. 



Please pray for me for this intention...Kindly asking with thanksgiving for God's favor this year to get at least 2 clients to be interested in buying our exhibition listed on culturenut website. For a financial breakthrough to get customers and export orders for our animal sculptures. Plus for God to help me to get enough funds to purchase a house, build a flat and remain with surplus to help others in Jesus's Name. 



Please pray for my friend Connie who is suffering from pneumonia 



live life to the fullest
Filled with love, laughter, smiles & adventures



Joseph Fabiano
Please pray that I make a good and honest confession soon.
Thank you



Lucia Isone
I request Prayer for' healing and family problems.




Brian and Connie Ressel
For his deaceased brother. 



..for the healing of our marital crisis. May the Lord Almighty God send forth thy Holy Spirit and touch the heart of my husband, Arthur and bring him back to faith of your loving Son Jesus Christ. Amen 



Dear friars,
Please pray for all my intentions, needs, and concerns. Pray that I can finish my Master’s thesis soon.
Blessings from Argentina.

Jose Andres Sobrino



Anh Mai
Please pray for all people affected by preoccupations of mental health. Ensure them that they are loved, and pray that the new year brings them many blessings of peace. 



Gavin Ebaugh
Hello, my name is Gavin Ebaugh. I'm a 16 year old from Gilbert, Arizona. I request that you pray for my soul. Thank you and Merry Christmas 



R.  Moore

Please pray for spiritual and physical health for
Mary Reid
Christine Smith
Julia Weis






Please pray for me and my friend, we are Jews who seeks the Catholic faith!






Prayers 4 2 daughters home please blessed mother care for them we love them and want their struggles to end Jesus save us st Michael protect us






A peaceful Death




Winsome Gayle

I am going for a mammogram and ultra sound on my right breast . Please pray that the results will show that there is no cancer. Thanks




Anne M

Please protect me, my husband, my son, and my son’s girlfriend from harm and keep us in safe travels. Also, please help protect my career and guide me safely and gently towards God’s Will. Thank you. May God bless you abundantly.





PRAYER REQUEST. Prayers for my bathroom leak, no one can seem to fix it. It's a new bathroom with a remodel and it has been very aggravating. Prayers and well wishes that the plumber can figure out a way to fix it. May God give the Plumber much WISDOM & KNOWLEDGE.
Sally in Florida. Thank you so much and God bless all of you




Christian San Jose

Please pray for me and my family that God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit bless us with peace and constant protection from all kinds of evil, trouble, disaster, misfortune, and the consequences of our past sins. I also ask that may the Holy Trinity provide us heavenly help in times of our greatest need and surround us only with the holy people of God. Please pray also that may the people around us and those who we deal with everyday be loving, caring, merciful, compassionate, and understanding people towards us. And lastly, may God grant us true repentance in our lives. Thank you.





Please pray for my Dad William Parrish for he has pneumonia, edema, swelling and dehydration.
He has cancer and is recovering from hip surgery.





Conversion of my husband Nick. Healing for both of us and our marriage. Unity, peace, reconciliation, and all that God wills for us! thank you!



George Garcia

Prayer for the Dearly Departed

Barbara Rossi



Sally Abba
Please pray that the plumber can fix my bathroom Shower LEAK, here in Florida. He has been here many many times. Give him wisdom and knowledge. Thank you and God bless all of you. Sally & Gary in Florida



Please pray for the Rodrigues Family for the loss of Albert Rodrigues their beloved Father, Grandpa



Judy "Gemma Galgani"
Please pray to God that I can become more involved in Church, and somehow find a way to work with the Passionists in NY. Thank you+



Please Pray for Stacy Murphy and her entire family as they deal with the loss of her beautiful Mother Mary Louise (Mary Lou) Summers. Also pray for her daughter Erin who just had surgery that she heals quickly



Please pray for the healing of Betsie’s body, especially the nervous, spinal and muscular systems.

Please pray for Nick.



Please pray for my family. We are undergoing a very difficult situation. Especially pray for my dad Juan Vasquez and his protection from all evil and harm and please pray that our family can have peace especially my brothers and mom and that God's mercy shines upon us and he hears our prayers and so that our family can be united and we can do God's will in each of our lives. Thank you so much and count on my prayers for you as well.



Victor Adolfo Bracamonte and family
I ask to God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit for freeing me from the accusing spirit, evil, oppressive, jailer, satanic spirit, dominant abusive, subordinator, manifested in 1993, that always caused us financial problems and of all kinds, that speaks and causes psychic attacks and diseases, causes demonic anxiety and giant nervous tension by moments, he is a producer of scandals, he produce appetite disorders, this evil spirit attacks my activities as intellectual, architect, writer and researcher, it attacks my mind, my intellect and my needs, produces alterations in the senses and symptoms and pains that it aggravates at will, who he pretends to be of Christ, he lies be a catholic guardian angel, he is a bad spirit of black magic, and I call him "talking satan 1993", and I ask to Christ and Holy Mary Mother of God to always exorcise me, mine and my love ones. 
Jesus Christ, intercede before God Heavenly Father for me and mine, and my love ones, with his Divine Holy Spirit.
Holy God bless it.




For my husband, Chris, to grow in holiness, wisdom and love, and for our marriage



Casey McKee
Please ask God in the Name of Jesus and through Mary to grant me true contrition and humility and repentance for my sins! Thank you!




Please pray for us. It is a very hard and difficult time. There is no human hope: only from the Lord.
In honor and gratitude to the Lord, Mary, St. Joseph, angels and saints. For the blessed souls. For all apostolates and prayer requests. For spiritual and corporal needs and dangers.



Psalm 107:20 says, "God sent His Word and Healed me ". Jehovah Rapha You healed my kidneys and they started working again. Deliver me from dialysis. Save Dr Thomas, Dr KailAn, PA Ed, Amanda RN, and Social Worker Gena Torrance. Show them Your Healing POWER. Lord, stretch forth thine hand to heal (Right Now); that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus... In Jesus Name, Amen.



Please pray that my coworkers stop gas lighting me and that my supervisor sees how much work I do. It’s fine that I am not appreciated, however….. I work at an academic library and love helping the students, my work studies, the community and I am scared that it will be taken away from me. Thank you for your time!


Please pray for my daughter, myself and my husband. We have been deceived by our son-in-law who has put a divorce case on our child stating she is mentally unsound. He is doing this because he wants to marry a foreigner who is pregnant with his child. (She is a married woman with a daughter). So, he got rid of my daughter after just 3 months of marriage. He is very rich, powerful and we do not have the means to fight him. He is destroying us in every way. Please pray that my daughter will be saved from this tyrant, his wicked friends, from the court case and from the terrible slander upon her. We want to be saved from all machinations of the devil and live in peace without any blemish on us. This devil should stop tormenting us, disappear forever from our lives and we should be saved from this court case. We should not have to run around for justice – we are all very ill and unable to do anything to prevent this fellow and his people from troubling us. Kindly pray that we should be free of this fellow, the divorce, cases and no one should try to kill us. Please ask Jesus to save us, deliver us from this devil who pretends to be a Saint and expects everyone to bow to him. He says he is God, has many disciples who follow him and he is hell-bent on defrauding us of all our money and possessions. Please ask Jesus to save us from this false Saint and give us peace in our lives and to safeguard our lives. Thank you


Maria Llave
Please pray I Maria Llave be cancer-free ofeverything forever,that I be completely gallblader disease&reflux-free,allthroat pain-free,all cataracts-free,all diabetes-free,all fatty liver-free,all urinary tractinfection-free, hemmorhoids-free,high blood pressure-free,all heartdisease-free of everything,all heart blockages free,polycystic kidneys &liver-free, all baldness-free, all gallbladder stones & kidney stones-free,all cataracts-free,allhemmorhoids-free,all bodyfatsfree,eyespainfree,completely all itchy hives-free,all body inflammatio&pain-free,reflux disease-free,all pains&aches-free,constipation-free,cholesteroldisease-free,polycystic kidneys&liver diseases-free,complete urinary track infection–free,kidney stones & gallstones-free & all growths-free,anthritis-free, alldiseases free, & my ancestors, parents, my brothers and sistersBoyet,Marifin, Fara, Fe, Stella & all their families too & also all ourloved ones forever,etc…that all my medical tests, all urine tests, all my eyetests, all my blood tests, all my ultrasound results, all my ct scan results bealways good  & favourable forever,Steven & his family too & all cancer victims to be cured forever, allthe sick peoples of the world also,that cure for all cancers, heart diseases, diabetes,alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, cholesterol, cataracts, polycystic kidneys& liver, heart diseases, gallbladder diseases, coronavirus-free,eye defects& all diseases cures will be successful worldwide. In Jesus’ Name.Amen  


Donna Petrak
Spiritual maturity and physical health for Petrak family.


M-B-lineage-Dad-ourselves-families-relatives-friends-part of our lives-Daniel M-asked our prayer-no one to pray with-for them-end abortion-confusion-evil-hate-terrorism-violence war-esp. Ukraine-Russia-elsewhere.Grant conversions health...Meag's father-wisdom-true Godly peace not just the absence of war.dying-will die today grant conversions-forgiveness of sins-worthy reception of The Last Rites-a good holy peaceful death.Repose departed loved ones-M-B-lineage-Mom-Karen-Kim-George-families-relatives-friends-were a part of our lives-asked our prayer-we promised to pray for-those who have no one to pray for them-may God grant what is needed to live with Him in Heaven forever-comfort those left behind.Free the holy souls in Purgatory.JMJ+Thank you


Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo te pido por la salud de mi hija Ivanna B. ya que el día de mañana tendrá una cirugía en el estómago en el hospital Radys de San Diego. Esta cirugía es muy importante pues ha estado enferma desde su nacimiento. La cirujana considera que es la mejor opción de acuerdo a su experiencia y a la experiencia de todos sus colegas. Te pido señor que bendigas las manos de esta cirujana y que bendigas a todas las personas que trabajan en el hospital. Ya que gracias a su trabajo dan alivio y consuelo a muchos niños y a sus familias.

Te lo pido Señor en el nombre del Padre Y del Hijo Y del Espíritu Santo



Isaiah 41:11-13
11 “All who rage(A) against you
    will surely be ashamed and disgraced;(B)
those who oppose(C) you
    will be as nothing and perish.(D)
12 Though you search for your enemies,
    you will not find them.(E)
Those who wage war against you
    will be as nothing(F) at all.
13 For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand(G)
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.


Pray Rosary for Life-aim for restoration comfort & agree with one another live in peace & the God of love & peace will be with you.God our Father-Son Jesus-Holy Spirit Mother Mary St. Joseph Holy Family angels-holy helpers please ask God to surround us with His all encompassing compassionate healing love help us fulfill our vocation. This ministry-supporters-requests here.God our Father-Son Jesus-Holy Spirit Mother Mary St. Joseph Holy Family angels-holy helpers...please ask God to surround us with His all encompassing compassionate healing love help us fulfill our vocation.M-B-lineage-Dad-ourselves-families-relatives-friends-part of our lives-Daniel M-asked our prayer-no one to pray with-for them-grant conversions health peace wisdom safe travels to ourselves & leaders so we may live in peace. End abortion-confusion-evil-hate-terrorism-violence war-esp. Ukraine-Russia-all. Dying-will die today grant conversions-forgiveness of sins-worthy reception of The Last Rites-a good holy peaceful death. Repose departed loved ones-M-B-lineage-Mom-Karen-Kim-George-families-relatives-friends-were a part of our lives-asked our prayer-we promised to pray for-have no one to pray for them-may God grant what is needed to live with Him in Heaven forever-comfort those left behind.Free the holy souls in Purgatory.JMJ+Thank you


 Pray for my family will have a safe and good day. pray for my marriage and family pray for Liz and Scott,Tom and Alysha, Mary and Nate marriages and families pray for Ryan and Kylie pray for Ryan conversion,health,job,finds good catholic spouse pray for Aiden, Ella, Addy, Noelle, Willa, Olivia, Finley ,Milo, Colette, behaves,health,good students,speech pray for A.F is good babysitter, cleaner, cook, declutter, driver pray for A.F and family can lose weight,exercise and eat healthy pray for Mary and all women will have a safe,healthy,holy pregnancy,delivery and healthy and normal baby. pray for thanksgiving answered prayers pray for Ella,Liz,Scott meeting goes well pray for Milo health pray for special intentions!



 Antonio Vicente
 For the eternal repose of all my deceased relatives and all the faithful departed, that their souls may rest in peace!



I want to request for prayer for marriage - I am 41 years old and single, no kids. I am worrying my time is running out as a woman to give birth - I would appreciate if you can look into my request - I understand you get a lot of prayer requests from around the world on daily basis 


I want to request for prayer for marriage - I am 41 years old and single, no kids. I am worrying my time is running out as a woman to give birth - I would appreciate if you can look into my request - I understand you get a lot of prayer requests from around the world on daily basis 


I want to request for prayer for marriage - I am 41 years old and single, no kids. I am worrying my time is running out as a woman to give birth - I would appreciate if you can look into my request - I understand you get a lot of prayer requests from around the world on daily basis 


Repose of souls of Ms. Victoria Conceisao, Mr. Aleixo Silva, Ms. Sucorinha Gomes, Ms. Lilia Conceisao, Ms. Leonora Correia, Mr. Peter Correia and Mr. Joseph Conceisao.



In Loving memory of Br. Angelo,
a dear friend and living saint may he rest in peace.
Please pray for my husband’s business that all will be well




Please pray for a happy resolution to the spiritual warfare I have been experiencing.



A Marian Daughter for her Mother
For all those for whom I have promised to pray. For the safe return journey of friends retuning from a funeral in the South by car. For all that i hold in my heart. For forgiveness; one of the main ingredients in doing God's will and for surrendering in trust all that is in our hearts...forgiveness and surrender is what our Lady has taught us in Medjugorje...Prayer, Penance, Fasting, Eucharist, Confession. The Rosary is the meditation on Jesus life, death and resurrection and the Chaplet of Mercy...all this is His ultimate Love. The signs of the times have never been clearer. Let us do all to bring... to make...John 17:21 a firm reality as true followers of Christ (whatever denomination). Amen.


For multiple personal intentions and prayers for loved ones, living and deceased.


Veronica Koehn
Please remember Jeri Vecchione in prayers for her 90th birthday this month. Thank you and God bless you all.



Please pray for my daughter.



For multiple personal intentions and prayers for loved ones, living and deceased.



For multiple personal intentions and prayers for loved ones, living and deceased.



Please pray for my son. He and his girl aren't getting along and they have 2 young daughters and have been together 7 years. She seems to be pushing him away & saying she wants a break. I'm afraid she'll want him to leave & he'll miss living with his girls. Please pray that they can work this out and stay together and for peace and love.



Please pray for help for so many desperate family problems according to God's Holy Will. Thank you.



Please pray for the healing of my mind. I have been praying for 13 years.


My daughter in law filed a divorce case against my son in Qatar court; she lost the case 2x. She took passport and left the country. Original passport is with us. (PERSONAL INTENTION) Please pray for us for this difficult situation



I ask for prayers for my deceased uncle Vincenzo Lavorgna.



For the soon restoration relationship Milushka and João.



Repose of the soul of Maria Danelia Estanol who passed 08/18/2022 & also prayers for the Estanol family.


David Pawlak Obl.O

Please pray for the following intentions: The repose of the souls of Frs. Dana Christensen, Larry Briske, John Rausch, David Zampino, Dennis Klemme, Edward Wawrzyniakowski &Archbishop Rembert Weakland OSB, for the parents, wife, children & grandchildren of Fr. Zampino. The health of Deb Sherwood, Susan Seeger, Ellen Seeger, Judeen Flahart, Diane O’Neill, Anna Wojczak, Phil Abramoff, Ted Vosgerau, Fr. Rick Wendell and Fr. Lawrence Frankovich OFM. For Anthony and Maureen Kleinsmith as they begin married life together. For the Wellner, Kaelin, & Prengel families.  My children (Charles, Stephen, & Henry), & their mother Amy Seeger. For priests, espec Frs. Benoit Jayr, Matthew Weaver, David Le, Ronald Kotecki, Cliff Ermatinger, Timothy Kitzke, Hugo Londono, Michael Malucha, John Baumgartner, John Zuhlsdorf, Gerardo Carcar, & Matthew Kirk. For me, a sinner. Thanks, and God bless you!



Please pray that I don't want to be loved. People hurt me all the time. Please pray that I don't seek comfort. I help a lot of people through work and at home. The pain is debilitating without feeling loved and always just being put down. I want to continue helping people but sometimes I am too sad.



For Donna Westerburg



A prayer for Vicky recuperating from surgery.



For my HealthKit



Noelle Fiornza cancer recovery miracle



For multiple personal intentions and prayers for loved ones, living and deceased. 



For the repose of the soul of my friend & colleague Jack Foley who left this world far too soon. He left a giant "hole" in which his creativity & brilliance will be hard to fill. For his wife & daughters, my heart goes out to you in your grief. 



For our dear Lord to soon restore relationship Milushka and João. For our Lord to guide him to soon make the call and give our relationship another chance.


Hurdle Family

Please pray for Ginny Karalus who had open heart surgery and her family.



Victor Adolfo Bracamonte

Request prayer......I ask to God the Father Son and Holy Spirit, for Sr. Deonilda, her nuns, and their people. Most Holy God bless it. Victor Adolfo Bracamonte. 25 de mayo 373. Concepción Tucumán Argentina.



Prayer for money to be released been waiting for a while and still nothing in desperate need. I ask for prayers I know God will make a way he always does pray for me in Jesus name.



Please pray for much peace and strength for me during divorce court hearing in close future. My husband, who left me, manipulates, threatens and accuses me of terrible, false things, I am afraid. God bless you!




I need spiritual help and strong aggressive prayers so that I will receive a good new job now, I need some cash right away. I need some good new opportunities so that I can get a good new teaching gig. When it comes to survival, there is no time for delay. I have been trying and searching for the last 6 months but very little success has come my way and I do believe some of this has to do with blockages of a spiritual and metaphysical nature as well as probably ill will. this is why I ask for spiritual help and strong and aggressive prayers so that these so-called blockages if any will be removed so that I can continue to go ahead with life. very mentally and psychologically drained because of all of this. I really do and truly believe that there are forces that don't want to see me go anywhere. Thank you very much for your help.



Prayer for money to be released been waiting for a while and still nothing in desperate need. I ask for prayers I know God will make a way he always does pray for me in Jesus name.



For restoration of health and deeper faith in Christ.


lynn jones

Please pray for me and my family, special intentions &Mandy Mcdonnell mentally ill (private), Nate Dean+family, Cathy Jones


lynn jones

Please pray for me and my family, special intentions &Mandy Mcdonnell mentally ill (private), Nate Dean+family, Cathy Jones


lynn jones

Please pray bank will unlock bank acct and tax lien dropped by tacs



Hi friends, could you please lift up in prayer the Zaccardi & McGuinness families. There are 3 sick people in the Zaccardi family, one named Andrew who is in the hospital with serious issues, Andy his son & Andy's mother. There are 3 sick children in the McGuinness family (Matthew, Jeffrey & Judy) as well as 2 recently deceased parents, Thomas & Jacqueline. We desperately need your very powerful prayers. Thank you so much & God bless.



Repose of souls of Fr. Olivio Miranda, Fr. Romulo Noronha, Fr. Sergio Mascarenhas, Fr. Antonio Rodrigues and Ms. Victoria Conceisao.


anne arndt

Please pray for the repose of the soul of George Carbain, a kind and good man, and a faithful Catholic for all of his 95 years.



Prayer for resources to begin a business.



I'm spiritually isolated. My wife has walked away from her faith and our marriage is in crisis. I feel like I'm the only one that has been fighting for the marriage. I'm exhausted. My hope is that Christ guides me, protects my family and radically changes hearts. 



For multiple personal intentions, requests and prayers for all including deceased loved ones. 



Pray for Lloyd/Sharon's sever health & Lloyd's heart surgery on July 7 to be successful...please continue to pray. AMEN.



Prayers for safety for all tomorrow and always. for world peace. for all my intentions on my prayer list. Help my anxiety go down. thank u.



My niece Camille was born on the feast of St. Jude October 28. I have been praying and looking desperately for decent, safe, and affordable housing for herself and her niece. After almost 2 years of prayer importuning heaven the problem seems not to have moved. Please pray for the miracle from St. Jude that gets her that place now. 



For multiple personal intentions, requests and prayers for all including deceased loved ones. 



Healing prayers for James for healing from alcohol addiction & OCDS - he needs to courage to complete the detox & treatment program pray for his spiritual conversion.



For multiple personal intentions, requests and prayers for all including deceased loved ones. 



For my son JY 25 yrs old who faced great loneliness & difficulties doing his master's degree & has resorted to poor companionship to keep him going. Pray for healing, mercy & forgiveness that the lord will provide the right companion for JY & guide him in his endeavours.



Dear Lord thank You so much for who You are & loving us so much. Thank You for win at The Supreme Court today. You are always good to us. Please send us more conversions & victories. You know all the strife in our world. Please grant the victory to Ukraine & all Your suffering peoples-grant conversions of Russia & others who wish harm in our world.



For multiple personal intentions, requests and prayers for all including deceased loved ones. 



Souls in Purgatory



For glen and I for a strong relationship, for my parents and family circle, for my mental health make it stronger amen



For multiple personal intentions, requests and prayers for all including healing of loved ones and the end to stressful and desperate times. 



For Carol Albano to make a full and total recovery and that Bob as her caretaker will be strong in his efforts to help her be fully healthy again. 


philip from ireland

For a special personal intention. 



For multiple personal intentions, requests and prayers for all including deceased loved ones. 



For Paul I, John D, Jack F, Joe P and all who need prayers and healing...
